These will soon be flying outside girls schools, public swimming pools, and shower-room windows all over the country!
This! I know it's a joke, but I just hate the immediate "assumption" that people that like and use drones are peeping toms. Makes me reluctant to tell other people about my racing drone hobby. There is always a chance that they'll assume, at least on an unconscious level, that I'm some kind of weirdo pervert. If you're into spying on your neighbour, I'm sure there are many less expensive, quieter and more effective ways...
But the battery won't last that long it say 27 minutes but that is ideal conditions
Furlongs per fortnight is a unit of speed, not time...
Hello Kitty is worth 5 billion a year, last time I checked.
You check that often?
Also Oracle steals from Redhat
I was not aware that forking GPL'ed code constituted stealing. Do CentOS and Scientific Linux steal from Red Hat, too?
No, technically not stealing, but it is shady behaviour. There is a difference between taking the GPL-ed packages, repackaging them and giving them away for free to the community (CentOS/SL), and taking it and selling it as a direct competitor in the same market. AFAIK, Red Hat is perfectly happy about CentOS and SL, not so much when it comes to Oracle.
I would guess that it is practically a given. RHEL7 is supposedly going to be forked from F18.
I would guess not. Though RHEL7 will be based on F18 or thereabouts, RHEL only includes a subset of the packages that exist in Fedora. Remember that Red Hat will be supporting the packages for 10 years. They'll choose the package subset with care. But on the other hand, I wouldn't be surprised to see MATE in EPEL7.
"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen