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This isn't the solution to your problem  *Monday September 30, 2013 @09:07AM  2
   attached to Ask Slashdot: Suitable Phone For a 4-Year Old?
Re:Lack of upgrades?  *Tuesday July 30, 2013 @04:14PM  2
   attached to Sprint May Have Unlimited Data Plans, But Not Unlimited Customers
Re:What a great idea!  *Friday June 14, 2013 @04:16PM  2
   attached to Prosecutors Push For Anti-Phone-Theft Kill Switches
Re:Looks like  *Monday June 10, 2013 @04:55PM  2
   attached to Apple Shows Off New iOS 7, Mac OS X At WWDC
Can you explain?  *Monday June 10, 2013 @11:47AM  5, Interesting
   attached to Ask Personal Audio's James Logan About Patents, Playlists, and Podcasts
Re:Privatize the governement.  *Wednesday July 18, 2012 @10:25AM 1 2
   attached to NSA Mimics Google, Angers Senate
Re:Closed?  *Monday June 25, 2012 @04:25PM  3
   attached to Apple Yanks Mac Virus Immunity Claims From Website
Re:Has anyone seen...  *Wednesday June 20, 2012 @09:08AM  2
   attached to Samsung Galaxy S III Launched, Hands-On Testing
Re:Young people don't drive.  *Tuesday June 19, 2012 @12:09PM 1 2
   attached to Young Listeners Opt For Streaming Over Owning
How about the rest of the job?  *Wednesday May 30, 2012 @03:45PM  2
   attached to Ask Candidate Jeremy Hansen About Direct Democracy in Vermont
Re:Biggest thing is SUPPORT  *Tuesday September 20, 2011 @11:35AM  2
   attached to Google Preps Devs For One-Size-Fits-All Android
Re:Java  *Monday March 28, 2011 @01:31PM 2 5, Funny
   attached to Java Creator James Gosling Hired At Google
Re:Competition  *Friday November 12, 2010 @03:42PM 1 2
   attached to The Return of the Microsoft Kin
Re:Anything that gets phone makers to update...  *Friday November 05, 2010 @09:46AM  2
   attached to Researcher To Release Web-Based Android Attack
Re:Should have started with Verizon  *Monday October 11, 2010 @04:01PM  2
   attached to Microsoft Unveils Windows Phone 7 Lineup
Re:Competition  *Wednesday July 21, 2010 @03:44PM  2
   attached to Nexus One a Failed Experiment In Online Sales
Re:Potential...  *Tuesday April 13, 2010 @04:43PM  3, Insightful
   attached to Microsoft Unveils 'Pink' Phones As Kin One and Two
Re:Better than shared hosting...  *Monday February 22, 2010 @11:01AM  2
   attached to Things To Look For In a Web Hosting Company?
I can haz April Fool Achievement?  *Wednesday April 01, 2009 @09:50AM 2 2
   attached to Slashdot Launches User Achievements
Re:fail  *Friday February 06, 2009 @03:44PM  2
   attached to The Broken Design of Microsoft's "Fix it" Tool
Re:Tassie Tiger = next Ubuntu?  *Tuesday May 20, 2008 @11:14AM  2
   attached to Bits of Tassie Tiger Brought Back from Extinction
Re:Umm... what other Satellite Radio is there?  *Tuesday March 25, 2008 @12:11PM  2
   attached to Justice Dept. Approves XM/Sirius Merger
Re:My Experience  *Thursday November 29, 2007 @05:48PM 4 3, Funny
   attached to Are Spammers Giving Up?
Re:Deployment is the secret  *Thursday August 16, 2007 @04:19PM  2
   attached to Adobe May Launch Office Rival

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a rigged demo.
