Comment iPad Air (Score 1) 370
I would prefer an iPad Air.
iOS is much more save than Android and the support by the manufacture for the system is much longer than on most Android platforms.
I would prefer an iPad Air.
iOS is much more save than Android and the support by the manufacture for the system is much longer than on most Android platforms.
Yes, look at Beijing these days. Not much sun rays coming down. No blue sky either.
I am worrying about the rising number of diesel cars. Much more soot is coming of their exhaust, and about 20% more CO_2 compared to traditional engine.
I've been using linux from 1998 to 2005, with various windowmanager (wmaker, enlightenment etc.), but sorry, I really cannot see much progress here. There is still to much to configure (hey, I want to work with my system, not spend too much time on configurating), the windows don't look very nice and the handling still seems to be somehow circuitous (eg. moving stuff in the taskbar). Sorry, but in my view not a step forward to Linux on the Desktop.
So show me the clean energy research and development that Green Peace does.
Clean energy would be unnecessary, because as far as I've been able to figure, Greenpeace wants the human race to simply all die. No energy required after that.
Your comment is just trolling. No serious arguing.
So show me the clean energy research and development that Green Peace does.
If they care about the planet so much maybe they should invest some money, hire some scientists, develop new technologies and fix something for a change instead of protesting pointlessly.
So maybe for once they could take all this money from donations and build say a windfarm and sell clean electric energy to people?
But wait, I bet they are protesting those as well.
Your're so wrong. Please inform yourself before complaining about their actions. In fact they are selling pollution-free energy for years.
See (in English): and
I only hope these people live long enough to see the consequences of the abandonment of nuclear power. Seriously, why don't they pull this shit in coal stations?
I hope people in the US live long enough to see the alternatives to coal and nuclear energy. One big point is power saving. Just compare the energy consumption of the US with oder industry nations (eg. Why are the US folks unable to act more responsible? Why do they block Kyoto- and Post-Kyoto (or similar) efforts?
Nuclear power is one of the less polluting ways to get energy out there. Yet they protest against it. Guess they would be more happy with coal plants. (I have no real life idea about the situation, but this is what I learned from SimCity)
Are you serious? Go and tell the people in Tschernobyl and Fukushima and many other places. Radioaktive pollution is pollution as well, although you can't see it or smell it.
And if they'd gotten shot doing this, would they be saying how mean the French are?
hey, this is Europe, not USA.
Eh, can you tell me where in the US (or the rest of the world) is a safe radioactive waste repository, please?
Safe against all environment impact, terror attacks, human failure?
Windfarms are expensive to maintain?!??? WTF, look a the disaster in Japan. And, how much does it cost to keep the nuclear waste safe for thousands of years?
BTW, who gives us the right to burden our children an their children (and so on) with radioactive waste and to pollute large areas (cf. Tschernobyl, Fukushima, etc.) for hundreds of years?
What is economical is a question of politics. Nuclear energy is economical, because risks are mainly carried by the state. Who is paying for all the damage in Fukushima? Not the folks running that power plant! They are paying a lot less. They are never able to pay everything, because they were allowed to sell their power so cheap (of course everybody was happy with that).
No, Bill Gates is wrong (again). He should stay at his business. Tell us about the future of operating systems, Bill! (but, please, a little more creative)
d) Apple's gonna continue to make bank selling devices to people just like her.
Agreed. However, this is a geek community. We like things like multi-tasking and open platforms.
You really got the point! Maybe that's why most geeks are not married and probably never will
If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith