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Comment Re:only 3000? (Score 1) 71

Yeah I had the same reaction, until I figured out what they meant. They are not saying those particular molecules are the oldest, but molecules of this type had to be the first created in the universe. Assuming H atoms formed first, then those formed He atoms, and then those combined into HeH, since that was all that existed.

Comment Re:This please (Score 1) 153

That is like thinking we should not put stop signs or traffic lights at new intersections. We should just wait and see if anyone crashes into anyone first. We don't do that because it is obviously dangerous based on observed conditions. Just like we already know that if internet traffic shaping is abused people, will get screwed.

Comment What percentage are we not able to detect? (Score 1) 83

Given that the two methods of detection are planets that orbit in plane that is nearly our parallel to view axis (solar transit), or planets that are massive enough to wobble a star and orbit in a plane that is nearly perpendicular to our view axis, what our we not seeing. I would think these circumstances would be the exceptions rather than the rule. Can we extrapolate how many planets orbit stars, given that we can only detect these special cases?

Comment Maybe make computers I want to buy again. (Score 2) 551

My newest Apple computer is a 2011 MacBook Pro. I've upgraded the memory from 8GB to 16GB and the 500GB HD to a 1TB SSD. It also has a 1680 x 1050 NON-glossy display. Back then Apple used to make computers with options and upgrade paths. Both upgrading and non-glossy displays are no longer available, so I keep hanging on to what I like. At home it gets no better. My 2008 Mac Pro is still going strong, and no way I'm buying one of those stupid Mac Cans. I even still run a G4 Mac Cube as a web server. I forgot how old that is. So Apple, either make computers that die faster, or start making computers that I would want to own.

Comment Waste of time, won't stop uncrackable messaging (Score 2) 596

All that is needed for unbreakable communications is a lengthy sequence of random bytes and an XOR operator. Otherwise known as a one-time-pad. If the parties are at least marginally smart in picking and using the pad, even the NSA is boned in trying to decipher the messages.

All this will accomplish is allow the gov. to peek into lazy and stupid criminals communiques. Apparently the FBI thinks the majority of the bad guys fall into this category. They may be right, as it stands now, but if they win, that may be the event that causes bad people to get smarter. The response may be worse than the current situation, and everyone's security will be placed at risk because of it.

Comment A common terminal for all platforms would be nice. (Score 1) 352

But I'm not sure if its ever been attempted. So depend where I'm working: Mac OS X: iTerm2 UNIX/Linux: Mostly XTerm, as I rarely need more than it gives, but gnome-term on occasion. Win32/Cygwin: ConsoleZ, an improved fork of Console2 . I can't emphasize enough how grateful I am for ConsoleZ from freeing me from the inane rectangular select regions of cmd.exe. Sure cygwin has rxvt for line oriented selection, but it doesn't work for anything that outputs to the Win32 console. ConsoleZ does line oriented selection for Win32 and cygwin.

Comment Re:Guido is the problem (Score 1) 196

Oh, does your highly effective, widely popular scripting language not suffer from this problem. Thank goodness Python has a benevolent dictator, otherwise it might end up with a hack at the helm that tries to satisfy every whining idiots wish feature, and you end up with something as horrid as C++. But Stroustrup is such crowd pleaser.

I've been using Python since 1.5, and I've always considered it my secret weapon to get things done faster than anyone thought it could be done. All while producing code that is easy to read and maintain, unlike the popular scripting disaster at the time that was called Perl. Over the years its usefulness has only expanded to areas I would have never expected. And so it remains as my not so secret weapon to this day. Is it perfect, no, no language is. Like all languages it has its place where it works well, and plenty where its a bad choice.

Most griping in this thread are by people that clearly have not used Python for anything significant, but have heard about the GIL issue, and feel they must whine that their favorite language is not more popular. The GIL issue can be dealt with in a number of ways, Jython being my favorite. The GIL has never been an issue in anything I've done with Python, for two reasons. One I've never used Python where that would be an issue, and two when I have chosen Python, I designed code so it would not pose a problem. It's a bit crazy, but this seems to work.

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