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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 8 declined, 0 accepted (8 total, 0.00% accepted)


Submission + - Technologies from the people who rejected artificial intelligence early... (

tp_xyzzy writes: Artificial intelligence was rejected by many projects for various reasons. Copyright problems with database collection, Large teams required to build the databases from scratch, Ensuring quality of the content or team size and funding needed for AI learning process. But once rejected, what did the software developers develop instead of artificial intelligence? Our solution was to do "games", more accurately, "game engine development" and developing gltf rendering functionality and a toolbox for customizing the gamedev output easily with a tool called "GameApi Builder".

Submission + - Rendering elfs to web pages is now easier than ever 1

tp_xyzzy writes: Since xmas is closing in fast, and your web pages are still not having the perfect elf rendered with a 3d engine, this one guy from finland has a solution prepared for you: has cool way to convert your gltf elf 3d models to the html5 and within 5 minutes, get your xmas saved from disaster. (a ham will help too, but our tech can put it to your web page too)

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