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Comment Re:RTFM (Score 1) 211

There is a difference between storing "backup your last location read, all of your notes, and
bookmarks" so that "you can automatically restore your annotations, bookmarks, and the last location you read by
downloading the item from the Manage Your Kindle page on" and using this information without the owners permission for any purpose.

It is called privacy.


Endangered Species Condoms 61

The Center for Biological Diversity wants to help put a polar bear in your pants with their endangered species condom campaign. They hope that giving away 100,000 free Endangered Species Condoms across the country will highlight how unsustainable human population growth is driving species to extinction, and instill the sexual prowess of the coquí guajón rock frog, nature's most passionate lover, in the condom users. From the article: "To help people understand the impact of overpopulation on other species, and to give them a chance to take action in their own lives, the Center is distributing free packets of Endangered Species Condoms depicting six separate species: the polar bear, snail darter, spotted owl, American burying beetle, jaguar, and coquí guajón rock frog."

The Murky Origins of Zork's Name 70

mjn writes "Computational media researcher Nick Montfort traces the murky origins of Zork's name. It's well known that the word was used in MIT hacker jargon around that time, but how did it get there? Candidates are the term 'zorch' from late 1950s DIY electronics slang, the use of the term as a placeholder in some early 1970s textbooks, the typo a QWERTY user would get if he typed 'work' on an AZERTY keyboard, and several uses in obscure sci-fi. No solid answers so far, though, as there are problems with many of the possible explanations that would have made MIT hackers unlikely to have run across them at the right time."

Comment Re:What is actually happening? (Score 1) 112

I admit I haven't read the whole thing nor understand the legal aspects of it, but from the settlement.

As of the Effective Date, in the
United States (i) Google may, on a non-exclusive basis, Digitize all Books and Inserts
obtained by Google from any source (whether obtained before or after the Effective

No where that I have seen in the settlement, or bits I have read about it, is there statements that this is limited to works created before the effective date. If I am wrong please let me know.

Comment Re:What is actually happening? (Score 2, Interesting) 112

Since this license to reprint exists for books that have not yet been written, I would say there is the ability to have future violations. Google will be free to reprint future books long after this case fades from the headlines, and the authors do not realize they need to opt out.

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