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Comment Re:Does it matter? (Score 2) 356

I used KDE+RH/Fedora for 8 years (rh7 through, iirc, FC4, but eventually yum kept breaking stuff, and that's when I tried Ubuntu, then PCLinuxOS, which is when KDE3 struck me as a bloated mess and I switched to fluxbox on the PCLOS, then, eventually, as stated, Debian, with openbox, on AMD64). Sounds like your issues were hardware related. I wonder if they had something do to removing non-free blobs, or something, that ubuntu retained.

Comment Re:Does it matter? (Score 2) 356

WTF are you talking about? I used ubuntu for about 1 year, once, and it constantly broke. I've been using Debian Stable for 3 years now, and not once has anything broken. Also, the upgrade from Lenny to Squeeze was, hands down, the easiest dist-upgrade I have ever performed on any gnu/linux distro (and I have used, as mentioned, ubuntu, but also red hat, fedora, pclinuxos, yellowdog, gentoo, and a handful of others).

Comment debian is better for n00bs (Score 5, Insightful) 345

Personally, I don't understand why people claim that Ubuntu is more "user-friendly". I tried ubuntu for about a year before finally taking the dive into Debian (had used Fedora/RH for 8 years prior, but finally got tired of yum breaking stuff). Stuff broke on Ubuntu (not as much as Fedora!), and I wasted time fixing it. I installed Ubuntu for a few n00bs, friends who were tired of their virus/crash ridden XP, etc. They all became frustrated, because, well, stuff broke, and they didn't know how to fix it. Now, when my Mom got an old computer from a friend, a 400hmz PII with like 128mb ram, I installed Lenny on it for her. It's run great ever since, without a single problem (time to go update her to Squeeze, though). I've been using Debian on all my desktops now for about 2 years, upgraded to Squeeze last weekend. The most trivially easy, seamless upgrade ever. (can't be said of ubuntu's frantic release schedule, where every new silly snake release breaks more stuff). Nothing ever breaks in Debian. I haven't had a single software problem since making the move, and I can't imagine ever moving away, now. It's rock-solid, impregnable, and it just works. I don't get what's supposedly so "user-friendly" about Ubuntu. For one thing, I kind of agree with Tuomo Valkonen about "usability" anyway. Do what I want, only what I want, and stay out of the way. Ubuntu makes too many decisions for the user, and not always good ones (usually tying a ton of bloat together in "metapackages" in such fashion that you can't remove some useless crap like, say , cowsay, or something, without removing your entire window manager). Debian allows me to install what I need, precisely, no more no less. And for n00bs, it doesn't break and cause problems.

gNewSense Distro Frees Ubuntu 306

Linux.com (who shares corporate overlords with Slashdot) is reporting that gNewSense has gone 2.0. For the uninitiated gNewSense is a stripped down version of Ubuntu's Hardy Heron for the free software purist. Removing over 100 pieces of proprietary code and firmware, gNewSense offers a user the ability to run an OS where everything is able to be studied, changed, and redistributed. "gNewSense is a great alternative to Gobuntu, the Canonical-sponsored free derivative of Ubuntu. According to its wiki page, the 8.04 version of Gobuntu hasn't been released due to a less-than-optimal reaction from the community. Gobuntu used the same repositories as Ubuntu, and the Ubuntu live CD can achieve the same installation as Gobuntu by merely selecting the free-software-only option in the installer (press F6 twice at the boot menu). Also, Mark Shuttleworth, the founder of Ubuntu, has indicated that he would rather focus on gNewSense because the work on that distribution can help the Ubuntu community as a whole. "

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