Comment Re:Is there power available along interstates? (Score 1) 334
I have not seen any government analysis of costs. To ramp up the number of electric vehicles is not ONLY going to require more charging stations. It does not take many charging stations to require an additional power substation to be built, and those are not cheap. Besides, with rolling blackouts predicted for this summer, we seem to be pushing the limit on the electric power we have now. Where's the extra power going to come from for all those new electric vehicles? In LA, the number of electric vehicles is less than 5% of the total number of cars/trucks. Electric cars are still way more expensive than gas/diesel powered vehicles, so it is going to be hard to get much beyond the "early adopter" numbers. It seems to me that the administration is just ignoring all these problems in order to virtue signal. It's another case of government picking winners and losers, not allowing the market to operate.