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Comment Other Accident Details Raise Questions (Score 1) 485

There are aspects of this accident that iare absent from the various news reports, that is, the role of the left turn of the truck and nature of the intersection.

First off, it seems to me that driving on an experimental 'autpilot' in a roadway that has intersections (as is shown in the police report figure in: ( ) is tremendously more dangerous than using it on an interstate. That, and the reported presence of a dvd player causes one to question the drivers decision making.

But a greater concern, at least for me, is that the truck appears to have turned right in front of the Tesla. One possibility there is that the intersection had traffic lights, whose detection was missed by both driver and computer, which if true, is a bigger concern than missing the side of a white truck on a bright background. The other is that the truck did not yield to the oncoming car when making its turn, that is the truck cut off the tesla in the intersection. Apart from the liability issues raised, that circumstance is much more difficult to react to, either in person or by computer.

Any one have any further info?

Comment Been there, done that... (Score 1) 162

Well at least the first part. Charging oneself up with a van de graff generator is a common first year physics lecture demo. We have a generator capable of 400,000 Volts (though it doesnt reach that when its humid), and I have many times, in front of about 230 students, held onto the charge storage sphere. for a minute or more. It's supposed to demonstrate the electric field from a point charge (nominally my head), with the 'sensor' being the hair on my head. It is really good at making one's hair stand on end.....

Of course when we do that demo, we stand on a 2 inch plexiglass plate, which sits on top of a couple of 4x4's. Turns out (not suprisingly) that the discharge part is much more risky than the charging. I have a student turn off the machine, which I'm still holding onto, and wait 30 seconds. The machine is then discharged by touching to ground. That give me a bit of a jolt, but if its done too soon -- IT REALLY HURTS!!

With the discharge event being an important part of this process, its not something I would willingly undergo....

Comment Re:Better information (Score 1) 217

Here is the abstract:
The actin cytoskeleton is a potentially vulnerable property of cancer cells, yet chemotherapeutic targeting attempts have been hampered by unacceptable toxicity. In this study, we have shown that it is possible to disrupt specific actin filament populations by targeting isoforms of tropomyosin, a core component of actin filaments, that are selectively upregulated in cancers. A novel class of anti-tropomyosin compounds has been developed that preferentially disrupts the actin cytoskeleton of tumor cells, impairing both tumor cell motility and viability. Our lead compound, TR100, is effective in vitro and in vivo in reducing tumor cell growth in neuroblastoma and melanoma models. Importantly, TR100 shows no adverse impact on cardiac structure and function, which is the major side effect of current anti-actin drugs. This proof-of-principle study shows that it is possible to target specific actin filament populations fundamental to tumor cell viability based on their tropomyosin isoform composition. This improvement in specificity provides a pathway to the development of a novel class of anti-actin compounds for the potential treatment of a wide variety of cancers. Cancer Res; 73(16); 5169–82. 2013 AACR.

Submission + - SPAM: Mozilla opens Thunderbird e-mail subsidiary

alphadogg writes: The Mozilla Foundation Tuesday opened Mozilla Messaging, a new subsidiary focused on developing its free, open-source Thunderbird e-mail software. Mozilla Messaging will initially focus on developing Thunderbird 3, which aims at improving several aspects of the software, including integrated calendaring, better search, as well as enhancements to the overall user experience, the company said in a statement.
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Male Brains 'Wired for Videogame Obsession' 125

thinkzinc notes a story indicating that, according to a new study, men have a harder time putting down a controller than women do. Researchers at Stanford did brain imaging work on a group of young test subjects while they played a simple PC game. Besides the 'obvious' conclusion that men were more 'aggressive at gaining territory on the screen', the tests also indicated that male brains showed more activity in the reward and addiction components of the brain. "The lead author, Dr. Allan Reiss, noted that most of the video games that are popular with men are territory and aggression-type games. 'These gender differences in the brain may help explain why males are more attracted to, and more likely to become hooked on video games than females,' he said. Other recent surveys indicate that about 40 percent of Americans regularly play games on a computer or console, but young males are two or three times more likely than females to feel addicted to video games, Reiss said. "

Comment Re:Here's the rebuttal (Score 2, Interesting) 909

But don't ignore Taubes own rebuttal (to Fumento's response) on the same site,


whose summary comment is: "And this is the point: when an article such as mine suggests that three decades of dietary dogma might be both wrong and hazardous to the health, it will elicit public and perhaps angry responses from purveyors of that dogma"

Note that Fumento's heated response is not to the book, but to Traubes NT Times magazine article, which was written in an inflammatory style...(citation in prior posts, and available in links within Fumento's response)

GNU is Not Unix

Submission + - FSF Releases New License for Web Services ( 1

mako writes: "The Free Software Foundation has released the Affero General Public license version 3. The license is essentially the GPLv3 with an added clause that requires that source code be distributed to users that interact with the application over a network. The license effectively extends copyright to web applications. The new AGPL will have important effects for companies that, under the GPL, have no obligation to distribute changes to users on the web. This release makes adds the license to the stable of official FSF licenses and is compatible with the GPLv3."

Submission + - Mixed news on Wiretapping from 9th Circuit USCoA

abb3w writes: The bad news: the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has ruled that the Al-Haramain lawyers may not submit into evidence their recollections of the top secret document handed to them detailing the warrantless electronic scrutiny they received. "Once properly invoked and judicially blessed, the state secrets privilege is not a half-way proposition." The good news: they have declined to answer and directed the lower court to consider whether "FISA preempts the common law state secrets privilege" with respect to the underlying nature of the program itself... which also keeps alive hopes for the EFF and ACLU to make those responsible answer for their actions.

Coverage at CNET, the NYTimes, and elsewhere; PDF of ruling here.

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