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Comment Re:Battery life is not the real issue (Score 1) 254

My 2012 Macbook Air has a non-user replaceable battery. When the battery was no longer holding adequate charge, I took it to an Apple store and they replaced it for me. I forget what the cost was, a little over a hundred I believe. Expensive, but reasonable if I can get a few years out of it.

Bottom line: The battery IS replaceable. You just need to take it to Apple to do it.

Comment Re:The drugs are terrible (Score 1) 200

If you require risperidone to control psychosis, it sounds to me like were being overdosed with the methylphenidate. Rather than trying to correct the overdosing of one medication with another that antagonizes dopamine, they should have just laid off on the methylphenidate... It might also suggests that you are not dopamine deficient, and I can't help but think that you may have been misdiagnosed....

It is interesting that you have insomnia with the methylphenidate. As someone who was recently started on Adderall, my sleep actually "improved" since starting the medication.

Disclosure: I am not a doctor. A lot of us on this board will be expressing opinions that are health related and could have serious consequences, so it is worth reminding everyone that you should consult a medical professional if you have questions or concerns regarding your, or your family's, health.

Comment Re:Experience outside the valley (Score 2) 514

Might have something to do with the fact that the African American population is greater in the south than anywhere else in the United States. In Louisiana and Georgia for example the African American population is around 30%. In California, African Americans make up only about 6% of the total population. Perhaps the demographic of the local workforce is a reflection of the local population?

Comment Re:what's wrong with public transportation? (Score 2) 190

Why can't these bubble cars be the public transportation option? I.e. public transportation does not have to mean mass/joint transit. Rather than predefined stops that people get on and off at at fixed times, these cars could be made available to the public at any time of day to get them where they need to go with zero stops along the way. Just pay the fare like you would a bus or taxi ride. It would be nice if you could call a service from your mobile, send your GPS location, and have them automatically send out a car too you at an appointed time. And if there is inter-car communication, perhaps these cars can automatically coordinate themselves to minimize traffic jams and further reduce transit times, and maybe they can even drive bumper to bumper (at distances that a human driver cannot do safely) for improved efficiency (drafting). There are possibilities here.

Comment Re:BatteryMark 2007 (Score 1) 154

Batteries deteriorate over the life of the battery. It might offer 25 hours brand new, but in 2 years it would not be surprising if it offered less than half that. Given that computers have gotten so good that you can reasonably keep one for 4-5 years, a 25 hour battery life brand new just might survive the life of the laptop without needing an expensive replacement.

Comment Re:"It's not the consumer's job to know what to wa (Score 1) 187

His philosophy speaks to why I don't buy Apple products .. lack of choices.

Which is not a bad thing at all. Do a search for "Paradox of choice."

Some called it intuitive, yet I and others have stumbled over such idiotic interface choices like using the trash can to eject. And swiping to unlock. Pinching to zoom and unzoom. And holding a button down to power off. Sure, they make sense and are easy to use once you are shown, but that didn't make them intuitive.

You just gave justification for giving Apple patents on those gestures--they're not as obvious as everyone thinks.

Comment SSDs (Score 1) 207

I have not heard anything about memory production being affected. Perhaps this is the time for companies to be pushing SSDs as an alternative, and maybe pushing down the prices in the process.

Comment Already a good solution (Score 1) 499

Disc media, e.g. DVDs, are not necessarily as reliable as people may think. Your time machine is actually already a very good solution. The likelihood that both your hard drive and your time machine would fail at the same time is low, and one can be used to restore the other. The only thing that might improve your backup is adding off-site backup; for that, you could add backup to a cloud service.

With regards to a cloud service, you need not choose a service that is explicitly about backup either. It could be a service that is aimed at media sharing (photo + video), and in this way you could use the service as not only a means of backup, but also for sharing those photos and videos with friends and family.

Comment Needs based approach (Score 4, Insightful) 260

It sounds to me like you haven't identified a business need and are fishing for one. Wouldn't it be better to look at how the business operates and from there see if there is something that can be done more efficiently? If there is, then ask yourself how this server can be used to address that problem. A server can do a lot of things, but don't look at those things and try to force it on the business when the need doesn't necessarily exist. It may create more problems then it solves.

If what you are really looking for is something to play with, then Filemaker sounds like a great place to start. It could be your introduction to databases. Once you understand the power of databases, you may find areas of the business that might benefit from a database. But until you have the knowledge, you aren't in a position to implement and support one. Just remember, if you're going to play with something, don't do it on a production server. Backups are a real business need. Even if that is the only thing the box is used for, it is a perfectly good reason for its existence.

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