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Comment Made Possible by Crypto (Score 1) 20

Remember, none of this ransomware is possible without the fake money known as crypto. Nuke the means of paying these murderous criminals from orbit and no more 911 outages. Why aren't these scum charged with murder when an ambulance can't be called because of their hackery? None ever seem to be caught and jailed. Where FBI? Where NSA? Paid off to never manage to catch these scum? Rank incompetence?

Comment Let Them Fight (Score 1) 124

You deserve whatever you get using phone-home corporate malware like Google Chrome or Google anything; or anything at all from monopolistic bad player Microsoft, rent seeking us to death with 'software as service' and ADVERTISEMENTS on the operating system FFS! Download the latest Linux Mint then use Brave, Firefox or Opera browsers. Like me, you can then laugh while eating popcorn as Godzilla fights Mothra. Oh no, there goes Tokyo...

Comment Re: It's a tiny amount: It's Fully Functional Alre (Score 0) 32

No need to look for eventual "some kind of useful function" for crypto, It's used every day and is essential for criminals worldwide. For tax evasion, money laundering, hacker and blackmailing and kidnapping payoffs, arms, drugs and child porn sales, and hideous 'art' scams involving monkey jpegs. The deluded greed heads buying it as an 'investment' before it is inevitably stolen is just the frosting on the cake. Nuke it from orbit, it's the only safe way.

Comment Great Rate but Apple is for the Fearful Rich (Score -1) 47

Both my pretty good credit unions offer savings account interest rates of about 1/4 of 1%. I had to buy a 3-year CD to get 5%. Not that I'll ever use any Apple product, that's for low confidence scared volks with money to burn seeking big daddy to protect them. I'm too tightwad to ever buy Apple anything.

Comment Re: When government agencies spew outrageous shit (Score 2) 118

The US DOD is well aware of the effects of climate change and is active in adapting to it: "The planet's changing climate has a significant effect on Defense Department missions, plans and installations. DOD is elevating climate change as a national security priority, integrating climate considerations into policies, strategies and partner engagements." Conspiratorial traitors such as Trumpite Republicans can ignore science but the military must deal with reality.

Comment Massive War Spending Wards Off Downturn (Score 1) 124

War is extremely wasteful of artillery shells, drones, jets, trucks, tanks, fuel, food and people. To keep the Russian fascists out of Eastern Europe the (semi) democratic US will continue to support Ukraine and will ramp up production. Paying for it by mildly increasing taxes on our domestic fascist oligarch class. No recession.

Comment Re: Yeah NO! (Score 1) 58

Home schooled kids turn into fragile helpless adults. Without the rough and tumble of school they are more likely to actually believe their parents who are usually religious fanatics. They love their kids but are idiots. Part of growing up is splitting from your foolish parents asap and learning the reality of dealing with strangers who don't give a crap about you but also teach you what your crazy parents don't. OTOH the home-schooled are probably better shots.

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