People will continue to use the devices without a second thought. Sure, there will be some people who stop or use alternative OSes (Graphene), but overwhelmingly, people will continue. Just look at TikTok, Facebook, IG, Temu, and a host of other apps. Everyone knows by now that these apps are collecting vast amounts of user data and in the case of the Chinese apps, sharing it well beyond the company. But people want the apps and don't care about the things they can't see happening in the background.
I was traveling in Singapore earlier in the year and realized how much easier my life would be if I just gave in and installed all the apps they wanted me to do. Install the airport app and make security easier. Install the airline app and get updates on your flight, track your bags, and even buy things in the city using air miles. Install Grab and Food Panda for taxis and all sorts of deliveries. Google Maps for walking around. SG Gov app for help with government services I was needing to use. Except that SG is allowed to access all data about everyone in the country, including citizens, at any time for any or no reason. This includes accessing internet streams from your mobile (you have to register the SIM when you buy it in-country), your location, your finances if you have them in SG, etc. They have almost as many cameras as London all connected to AI facial recognition that can track you to just about any point on the islands. I have no plans to do anything illegal in SG but all of this felt very creepy to me. I am not criticizing it because that is what the people of SG want for themselves and as a guest, I will follow their rules. But it made me end up turning my phone off and keeping it in a Faraday bag for a lot of while I was there.
My point is that most people in SG will install all of these apps and many more without a second thought. I don't think most in the US would stop using their phones if the government was able to gain full access at any time. Even if Tiktok came out and said, yeah we copy all of your data and send it to the CCP for them to build a profile on you so that when the war starts, we can use that data to go after individual Americans, most people would keep using it because it's trendy. They will keep using Temu because they can get cheap crap delivered to them.
I wish I could find the link to the video, but I saw one where an African American influencer who commonly made videos on her views of the inequality of the races in the US and her own personal struggles was also pushing her viewers to download and install Temu. She showed some socks that she got on the app and that they were less than $2. One of her viewers pointed out that they were made with Uigur slave labor and that Temu didn't prevent companies that used Uigur labor from selling on Temu. She rationalized it that it was cheaper than buying on Amazon or Walmart and she needed to save money. So here is a woman who in her daily life has to deal with the ramifications of the slavery of her people in the past brushing off modern slavery so she can save money. This isn't to criticize her. The point is that if we don't see the evil these apps do, the benefit the app gives us is far more powerful and likely to win out.
As a side note, you can buy temporary eSIMS online for travel and they aren't registered when you arrive. At least some level of privacy.