Comment Re:"UN Says: Why Not Eat More Insects?" (Score 1) 626
We already eat other arthropods, like shrimp, crab, crawfish and lobster.
There's an obvious starting point for the introduction of insects into the Western diet: "Seafood Extender".
Who knows WTF is in that stuff? I kind of assume it's made of mashed up bits of random arthropod... although that could be optimistic.
Would it make a scrap of difference to anybody if their seafood extender were made of mashed up bits of random terrestrial arthropods as well as aquatic ones (and whatever else is in there)?
No issue of how big a leg fillet you're going to get out of a grasshopper if you just mince them up into something unidentifiable.
Then batter and deep-fry it. Yum! Battered deep-fried protein stuff!