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Comment Re:If I had a nickle.... (Score 1) 88

As they currently exist batteries don't work. I have lived off solar energy for over seven years now. I wrote Exposed; the Solar Energy Con which is available at This is written from a woman's perspective and is an accurate representation of what it is like to live off the utility grid. My point is that if you can read it and still support solar you need your head examined. The country is so focused on solar energy that any one who doesn't support turning the world into a solar array is an anarchist. I fear that by the time our country wakes up it will be too late. On June 26th 2006 my dog BooBoo died from water intoxication because living on solar energy I was unable to keep him cool. When I began to crunch the numbers I documented the fraud that the environmentalists have perpetrated on the American public. I challenge you to read the information I have put together for you. After you read this, make up your mind for yourself and I urge you to write your legislators.

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