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User Journal

Journal Journal: I was moded-and accepted!!!

I am so excited!!

I was moderated today!! a +2 for insightful, oooo.

I also had a submission accepted, but, I can't seem to find it.

I am feeling accepted into the /. community, soon, I'll run for president, then chairman of the UN, and soon after that. THE WOOOROORORRRLRLLLLLLLDDD!!

HHHMmm. Well, maybe not the WORLD, but I'll settle for a small island with a tribe to rule over.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I don't understand

I'm not sure why my submissions are rejected. And even when I try to ask in a polite manor, the questions are rejected! I feel like a teenager trying to call a girl, and she gives me the excuse "I have to rewind my DVDs before I return them." But at least I get an answer, even if it's a lie, everyone knows that the video store can rewind the DVD for you.

I think they should tell you why your story was rejected, instead of just saying "Rejected." Is it my username? Did I not part my hair right this morning? Do they have a thing against good stories? I don't know, maybe it's just my zipper down to low... or not low enough, hmm..

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The reward of a thing well done is to have done it. -- Emerson
