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Comment Re:What's the Cloud for, again? (Score 1) 273

Here is my practical experience. In the last 2 larger software projects I WANTED CLOUD. I did not care about the cost. Why? Because in BOTH CASES (and sadly I did not get my will) IT inhouse was COMICALLY expensive and EXTREMELY incompetent. Inhouse VM? 3-6 months waiting, 2 years commitment, no manual refresh (all via billed ticket, taking days) so no "have vm's for installation tests that the test script can roll back to a known config. It was comically to try to work with them. In the LAST project the whole development team (which consisted mostly of my employees, thank heaven) ran the whole development unauthorized OUTSIDE of corporate IT with full knowledge of the project managers - at least there we could get VM's behaving fast. Your post is nice and dandy, but it totally ignores the clusterfuck that corporate IT is in many organizations with workflows that are so encrusted that all the Advantages are lost, to a degree that cloud is already significantly cheaper than IT (vm cost on my last project was 5x azure, no joke) while providing nearly none of the services. Incompetence and captured market and tons of managers make sure that the delivery is an AWFUL product.

Comment Re:They are too entitled... (Score 1) 498

Live a living wage. Hm. Every McDonalds (and other fast food) now has automated Kiosks. That really worked out well - for everyone losing their job. The concept of earning more value than you cost is something that some people must learn, and they will - once the money they get a free handouts turns worthless thanks to inflation.

Comment Re:Just wait... (Score 1) 498

"I never just do my fucking job." - that is overdelivering. If you do not EVEN do your f**** job, then this does not need motivation, it needs ethics (and if that is in the way of firing, ok). Because you signed on a line to do your job and that is the minimum expected. Overdelivering should be standard but here we talk of people not fulfilling their duties.

Comment Re:Bitcoin can't handle it. (Score 0) 105

That is amazing how you call it neglegible to be raped, fee wise. In Europe or Germany to be more exact there is nofee of 10 to 15 POUNDS - transfers from my personal account are like 10 cents, REGARDLESS OF AMOUNT. Also, you are ignorant on the rest: > With Bitcoin and other cryptos, you often have to endure long confirmation times Hence the use of the Lightning network with seconds as confirmation time. > crippling fees Hence the use of the Lightning network - oh man. > So can someone explain what problems crypto solves exactly? Here is one it does not solve: You being ignorant.

Comment Re:Isn't this obvious? (Score 2) 70

Actually it is. Bank accounts come with costs. Especially if you are bankrupt (i.e. have a bankruptcy) and possibly no job. Also you may be undocumented. Not sure how much paperwork you need in the USA. But yes, the number is shocking, particularly as we talk about HOUSHOLDS. So, it is a whole household where noone has a bank account... Do NOT blame the banks - banks are businesses and a ton of regulation in the last years makes it quite expensive to maintain an account for a client.... which you may want to offset with account fees for small accounts, which make those not interesting for people. But the problem is not the bank, it often is the regulation. As European, the whole concept of payday loan businesses is something I find funny, but supposedly they are needed in the USA.

Comment Re:Wow, what a selling point (Score 2) 70

Actually if you are in Nigeria, that is a serious selling point for you. Hence there was a lot of "bitcoin not allowed, use the Naira" (local currency). So, as much as you tried to make a funny joke here, reality is that Nigeria has a failing central bank and failing currency and is exactly a country where people prefer to deal in crypto.

Comment Re:Isn't this obvious? (Score 4, Insightful) 70

Are you stupid or something? Even IN THE USA - there are nearly 25% of the households without bank account. This is pretty much in the news regularly. Also "smartphone" Is not what I said. > Also, why do people still do this? Because if your next bank branch is a day travel away and you are a farmer in i.e. a rural area in india, you may find out that no, the bank does not even deal with you IF you spend 2 days going there. You show the exact same attitude that is the problem - looking at things from a first world elitist perspective. Let's look at El Salvador. You know, the country that just added Bitcoin as legal tender.... From " In El Salvador, some 70% of citizens are unbanked" You seriously think they CHOOSE to be unbanked? They are so because banks, even if they have access to them, do not deal with them as they are too poor to make it worthwhile.

Comment Re:Isn't this obvious? (Score 1) 70

To a degree it is obvious. Still there are plenty of idiots running around that answer "bitcoin" with "what do anyone need it for, just pay with your credit card or use paypal". Totally ignoring that a LOT of people have a phone, but no bank account and definitely no credit card. Funny enough this ignorance is quite widespread among the more affluent people in primary economies - a total lack of understanding of the reality large amounts of people deal with.

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