Just not yet. In America you can make a lot of things legal such as polluting the environment or taking bribes if your company got shitloads of money. If you include "not being prosecuted" you can put "crashing the financial market" on the list as well.
I wonder how many people will actually follow the instructions in mixing these things back to booze. Somehow I am inclined to believe people do not want to follow the instructions and swallow the stuff with as little water as physically possible.
You sure after eating all those pizzas you won't die from obesity-related problems?
Even if you change it to sexual favours you might still get STD's.
Better just stick to everyone giving you a few dollars every now and then.
Will the path of the rover be preprogrammed likewise? If so sooner or later proposals will pop up that inadverdently/intentionally gets giant pictures of its paths which draws NSFW things.
It'will be interesting to see whether websites of some particular political party or lobbying group get downranked so much to disappear from search results completely.
I thought USB Mass storage wasn't supported until Windows 9x/ME. Unless you manage to pull off booting linux or something from floppy.
My suggestion would be PCMCIA CDROM (you did mention PCMCIA floppy drive, I would suppose that should work too) to boot linux/FreeBSD off from and see what you can do from there.
The problem with many-eyes hypothesis is that not everyone looks for the security bugs and not everyone is capable of looking for every kind of bug. Everyone will notice a problem when the UI behaves differently. Not many of us will notice when the command-line utility did something subtly different (especially when it comes to RNG, like the Debian OpenSSL bug back in 2008) without abnormal output.
Actually use a different OS for each of your computer. Stuff that can infect your box regardless which OS you are on pretty much means you are screwed either way. Like investing, diversifying would be a better strategy as the scope of the damage is more limited than homogeneous system/networks.