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Scientists Using Lasers To Cool Molecules 169

An anonymous reader writes "Ever since audiences heard Goldfinger utter the famous line, 'No, Mr. Bond; I expect you to die,' as a laser beam inched its way toward James Bond and threatened to cut him in half, lasers have been thought of as white-hot beams of intensely focused energy capable of burning through anything in their path. Now a team of Yale physicists has used lasers for a completely different purpose, employing them to cool molecules down to temperatures near absolute zero, about -460 degrees Fahrenheit. Their new method for laser cooling, described in the online edition of the journal Nature, is a significant step toward the ultimate goal of using individual molecules as information bits in quantum computing."

Comment Re:sigh (Score 1) 197

troll? I'm glad someone got my point, this is all about trolling. The GOP is a massive troll organization, as evidenced by their recent 'census' money grab. The party is all about con'troll'ing free thought and replacing it with empty values while profiting off of the whole deal.

Google Rejects Australian Censorship Proposal 197

Xiroth writes "Google has rejected overtures from the Australian government to censor YouTube clips that had been given an RC rating by Australian classification authority, the OFLC. According to a Google spokesperson: 'YouTube has clear policies about what content is not allowed, for example hate speech and pornography, and we enforce these, but we can't give any assurances that we would voluntarily remove all Refused Classification content from YouTube. The scope of RC is simply too broad and can raise genuine questions about restrictions on access to information. RC includes the grey realms of material instructing in any crime from [painting] graffiti to politically controversial crimes such as euthanasia, and exposing these topics to public debate is vital for democracy.'"

Submission + - Brain surgery linked to spirituality (

the3stars writes: "Removing part of the brain can induce inner peace, according to researchers from Italy. Their study provides the strongest evidence to date that spiritual thinking arises in, or is limited by, specific brain areas."

This raises a number of interesting issues about spirituality, among them whether or not people can be born with a strong propensity towards spirituality and also whether it can be acquired through head trauma. Maybe Jesus died of a brain tumor.


Submission + - Star Wars TV show tainted by memories of Jar Jar (

bowman9991 writes: Can George Lucas' new Star Wars TV series, the first Star Wars spin off with real actors, atone for the flawed follow-ups to his original classics? Producer Rick McCallum calls the new series "much darker," a "much more character-based series" and "more adult," while George Lucas himself calls it more like the first Star Wars film. The new TV show takes place in the "dark times" between the last prequel Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, when most of the Jedi and anti-emperor politicians were hunted down and killed.The characters of Boba Fett, C-3PO, and the Emperor Palpatine will return, and casting has now begun. Mark Hamill, the actor who played Luke Skywalker from the original movies, believes George Lucas lost his way, "making it bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger until you're just exploding with special effects all over the screen like some fireworks display," but thinks the new show is a "positive" step forward. Hopefully George Lucas can wipe the memory of Jar Jar Binks, Anakin and Padme's romance, his shameless merchandising, and some lame attempts at humour from everyone's minds once and for all.

Comment Re:Insanity. (Score 5, Insightful) 673

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd rather have a percentage of the 'pedophilicly inclined' spending their time acquiring pictures of nude cartoon characters than pictures of children. Further, in relation to the article, the way to get rid of undesirable elements of our ever changing society is not to punish the 'customer' but the 'distributor'. File sharing makes the line between the two difficult to see, but rather than putting people behind bars for the crime of clicking, why not focus more on removing the source? Under the current laws in many western nations, glancing at a computer screen displaying questionable photos of children is dangerously close to breaking the law. But there is a mile wide gap between the person who clicks a link and the person who subjects their own child to such inhumane treatment. I would suspect that the average person in a western nation sees hundreds if not thousands of simulated murders on television and in the movies, and murder is arguably a more heinous crime than active sexual deviancy targeting children. Cartoons are just as unreal as movies.

Comment Re:Drugs (Score 1) 156

Thats like saying, 'if you want to keep that steel deck plate in place, that bolt will work, but as for keeping the whole aircraft carrier together, its meaningless.' The 'war on drugs' is a multifaceted movement, not only restricted to government or high technology. The 'war on drugs', in its most general and broad definition is the attempt by society to restrict and/or control the usage of 'unnatural' chemical modification of the mind or body - which I believe could be extended as far as overeating (junkfood, which is proven to be more addictive than heroin in mice) and alcohol abuse. The goal of this hypothetical situation(aquagliders as border patrol, basically), would be to further increase the ability of the nation to control and/or monitor its borders, and stop unwanted elements from entering - theoretically for the good of society through a general consent. Whether or not this is the right course of action is not the point. The US already pisses away billion upon billions of dollars on military operations and technologies that have poor results and sometimes lead to a redistribution of wealth in ways unanticipated by the public. The thought of a nearly real-time global oceanographic reconnaissance system I believe would be too good to pass up for a government who has all the money in the world to do with as it pleases. The interception of illegal marine drug trafficking operations seems like the perfect test bed for this technology. Im sure that with enough research you can uncover plenty of technologies in use by the US Military in Iraq and Afghanistan that were taken through their initial paces in border patrol capacity.

Comment Re:Drugs (Score 4, Insightful) 156

"I think it would need modification. Would it need to be made of some sort of stealth material (or shape), to avoid sonar detection? Or is it already small enough that it would be mistaken for debris?" I don't think his point is too far out. Right now, perhaps sonar is limited to a short range and fixed or limited range/purpose platforms like military subs, but if this aquaglider technology (UMV) develops in the manor suggested by the article, I don't see why the world governments wouldn't have thousands, perhaps millions of these (or similar configurations) out there with sonar rigs. They would autonomously operate and surface once a predetermined set of conditions were met, such as the detection of enemy subs, or small man made objects coming from known vectors of transit between drug making and drug loving countries. Maybe someone with some time on their hands could calculate whether or not, based on the range and accuracy of current sonar technology, it would be feasible to 'mine' the coast of Florida with these things and get something like a 15% or 20% coverage.

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