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Comment Chicken and Egg (Score 1) 29

Some believe that PWAs are not that important. However, this is really a chicken and egg problem. PWAs could actually be great if companies like Apple would have supported them better. It is clear that Apple has no financial interest to do so. Excluding PWAs from working in the EU on Apple hardware would have likely killed PWAs. After all, if you cannot deploy your web app cross platform what would be the point? This would have been hellish for developers to keep separate versions of PWA and mobile apps. I am glad Apple came to their senses. Now I am just wondering for how long?

Comment the end of PWAs? (Score 1) 66

This could be the end of PWAs and will be a total disaster for web app developers. Safari has ridiculous 7 day limit of local storage making the use of Safari as platform for web apps impossible. The "Add to Homescreen" option solved this: full screen and local storage with no time out. What exactly is the deal with the EU "version"? In the EU Beta is there still an "Add to Homescreen" option? Does it produce some shortcut with its own local storage? Does anybody know any contact info of the EU team creating these new laws? They need to be aware what is going on with PWAs.

Comment Apple's Knowledge Navigator (back to the future) (Score 1) 179

Apple's Knowledge Navigator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?... Quite amazing how far along the vision (but not the implementation) was back then. The introduction mentions "searching the web" but keep in mind the actual Apple clip is from 1987 which is before the web actually existed. Foldable displays, touch interface, AI agents, voice interfaces, internet for end-users, ... It is pretty amazing and can still provide some insight on how to deal with the recent AI revolution.

Comment Re:The prophecy can true. (Score 1) 69

You lost me with the "a compiler is an AI" analogy. Compilers are abstract machines providing new constructs which can be (deterministically and without the need to learn/train anything) reduced to instructions of another machine at a lower level of abstraction closer to actual hardware.

Comment Re:why? (Score 2) 241

Not sure what is supposed to be backward in abandoning an inherently dangerous technology with unresolved sustainability issues. Dumping radioactive materials, so far, has created a large number of documented disasters (e.g., collapsing salt mines). And these are just the relatively short term consequences ignoring long term disasters of containers eroding and leaking.

Focusing on alternative energy solutions with long term sustainability is the very definition of forward thinking.

Comment try a different moon (Score 1) 95

Here is a different potentially quite revealing experiment. Print a picture of SOME moon (not ours, e.g., Saturn's Mimas) and see what you get. I would say if this gets substituted by our moon then this approach has stepped over a line that it should not have. It is super unlikely that Samsung trained their AI with any other moon but other moons may still be sufficiently "moonish" to trip up the AI.

Comment drag-and-drop developed at University of Colorado (Score 1) 43

The first drag and drop visual programming language for the MIT programmable brick (which later turned into Lego MIndstorm) was developed by the University of Colorado. It was called LegoSheets and made with AgentSheets): You can see the first prototype in action here: https://youtu.be/MQJgQfKBjME This is super old footage rescued from an ancient VHS tape. Still cools to see what was possible then. Shame it is being discontinued.

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