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Comment Studying from a laptop? (Score 2) 201

Maybe I'm old school, but I'd rather study from a textbook than a screen. Maybe someone could invent a portable device where I can read books where the text resembles electronic ink? And there can be an electronic marketplace where you can buy these books! Hopefully this post can kindle a few ideas..

Comment What do you name this scandal? (Score 1) 401

Wow Canada, I didn't know you had it in you. You have to give them kudos for the creativity at least. They didn't go with the ol' rigging voting machines gag. A+ for creativity. If the Canadian media hasn't given a name to this debacle yet, I'd like to propose RoboGate. Shall we vote on it?

Comment Discretion!! (Score 2, Insightful) 135

What ever happened to discretion? People are so quick to post every thought, feeling, and complaint for the world to see. But then also complain about privacy. No one is forcing you to post about what you ate for breakfast and take a picture of it. The trend seems to point to things only getting worse in the future as more companies focus on you being the product and selling your information and habits to 3rd parties. I remember hearing someone say that if the services are free, YOU are the product.

Comment We dun poked the bear.. (Score 0) 239

The SOPA/PIPA backlash seemed like a push towards victory. But it seems like the other side is pushing back, and pushing back hard. In less than a week after the SOPA blackout: Megaupload is offline, Filesonic is running scared, and went all China-firewall on the U.S. Things are about to get crazyyy.

Comment Can Google driverless cars be the solution? (Score 1) 633

MPG promises are based on unrealistic/impossible human driving conditions. But what about automated driving conditions? Let's say for example that Honda worked with Google to develop a driving pattern that would guarantee a MPG as long as you kept your foot off the accelerator. As long as your not running late and don't need to rush, why not?

Comment This should have been done a long time ago (Score 1) 180

I've heard arguments that the space program should have never been put in the hands of government in the first place. If it had been left to the private-sector from day one, space travel would be the norm by now because of the competitive aspect of the private sector and the ability to raises more capital than going the bureaucratic route.

Comment Whatever happened to being an apprentice? (Score 1) 200

Can we bring back the days of the apprentice system? A parent would send their child to study under a master of a particular field. They would be able to skip all the textbooks and boring lectures and just learn the craft and get access to the secrets that only come from experience that you will not find in a textbook. Then with time, that child would become a master of their particular trade and would take on an apprentice, and the cycle would continue. I'd chose that over the college debt slave system anyday.

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