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Comment Romance (Score 1) 37

A friend from work says there ought to be more romance in this world... with that tale I think you proved that there's plenty already!

Congratulations, all the best to both of you!

Submission + - Yahoo Music, chiefs urge labels to 'ditch DRM'

waired writes: "It seem that a trend has begun in the musics industry after Steve Jobs essay. Now a senior Yahoo chief has spoken out in favor of Apple CEO Steve Jobs' call for major labels to abandon digital rights technology (DRM). It points out that consumers are getting confused and that the Microsoft DRM "doesn't work half the time". D=17184"

Submission + - Google News Found Guilty of Copyright Violation

schmiddy writes: "A court in Brussels, Belgium, has just found Google guilty of violating copyright law with its Google News aggregator. According to the ruling, Google News' links and brief summaries of news sources violates copyright law. Google will be forced to be $32,600 for each day it displayed the links of the plaintiffs. Although Google plans to appeal, this ruling could have chilling effects on fair use rights on the web in the rest of Europe as well if other countries follow suit."

Using Technology to Improve Kindergarten? 132

andres32a asks: "I currently run a private preschool located in Latin America. I have been always interested in finding new ways of giving kids a legitimate educational advantage through fresh applications of technology. What technology would you like to have seen applied in your kindergarten?"

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