Comment I'd like to be able to reorder my bookmarks. (Score 1) 22
Please sir, just a crumb of bookmark reordering.
Please sir, just a crumb of bookmark reordering.
I've always thought Netflix goofed by canceling a few things too early. Marco Polo being one example.
Rails 6.0. No love.
Doesn't sound that bad to me if it includes security updates.
I was looking for an exact replacement. Went with the Microsoft Basic Optical Mouse because I couldn't find one. It's sufficient though.
Provides free read and write access to all text newsgroups.
On the plus side they added a "Skip Intro" button for some shows.
I think that does what you are looking for.
Colored rectangle? I wish. Lately I keep looking for and eventually finding UI elements that are the same color as the background.
The drivers will probably have a little sign in the car, "Tips appreciated!"
Way to kill a good thing.
Isn't Walmart also into bulk like BJs? If want to buy a large quantity of something the local supermarket won't do.
Isn't Amazon already near the bottom? They don't have stores, they have warehouses. Those are primarily automated or soon will be.
Are you figuring in the cash back if you use an Amazon card?
"The pathology is to want control, not that you ever get it, because of course you never do." -- Gregory Bateson