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Submission + - LHC Shutdown Again - By Baguette Dropping Bird? (popsci.com)

Philip K Dickhead writes: "Is Douglas Adams scripting the saga of sorrows facing the LHC? These time-traveling Higgs-Boson particles certainly exhibit the sign of his absurd sense of humor! Perhaps it is the Universe itself, conspiring against the revelations intimated by the operation of CERN's Large Hadron Collider? This time, it is not falling cranes, cracked magnets, liquid helium leaks or even links to Al Qaeda, that have halted man's efforts to understand the meaning of life, the universe and everything. It now appears that the collider is hindered from an initial firing by a baguette, dropped by a passing bird. "The bird dropped some bread on a section of outdoor machinery, eventually leading to significant over heating in parts of the accelerator. The LHC was not operational at the time of the incident, but the spike produced so much heat that had the beam been on, automatic failsafes would have shut down the machine." One cannot rule out time-traveling mischief makers, however improbable, once credulity has been so rudely affronted by this latest story."

Comment Dear NY Times (Score 1) 416

Isn't the NY Times suposed to be a quality paper? The article is so full of siliness that it made my head exploid. "Chrome products are given away, so they bring in no revenue for Google, and they donâ(TM)t even provide a better search or advertising experience for their users, the company admits. So why does Google even bother?" - I can think of 100 reasons why Google Chrome generates money for Google like it has Google SE defaulted, pushing HTML 5 so people spend more time in online applications and thus more chance on clicking on a Google add, push Google Apps, ... "But thanks to Microsoftâ(TM)s deep pockets and fierce screwball reputation, Bing has already accomplished its main purpose: reminding Google executives who theyâ(TM)re messing with." - And keeping Google on it toes and creating even better search. Thats called competition and its better for consumers.

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