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Comment Re:Politics vs Market Forces (Score 1) 1255

Do you really want a generation of education to be driven by the market forces that come with 60% of Americans uncertain about human evolution? Thirty percent don't believe in evolution at all.

To me, that just seems to provide a way to ensure that any beliefs that your parents have, however divorced from reality they may be, are passed on to you by virtue of their selection of schools.

I, for one, can't wait for the NewsCorp School Corporation.

Comment Re:Dispute - not often at all (Score 1, Flamebait) 510

It must be nice in libertarian la-la-land. Do you guys ever talk to the communists? I hear they had a plan that was predicated upon similar naivete about human nature, and how we can all just band together to accomplish an awesome society, because nobody is too selfish to do something that benefits them at the expense of the common good, right?

Ah yes, the will of the people. Of course it's the will of the people, that's why it has to be enacted through government violence, right? Or....if it was actually the will of the people they would have formed a voluntary association to accomplish the same goal minus the violence and theft.

It's the will of enough of the people that democracy (please, no semantic pedantry) has decreed it. The problem with voluntary associations is that the people who don't like the regulations--typically the people who would be found in violation of them--will just opt out. The fact that a vocal minority feels that regulation impinges on their profits is a good indication that it's still necessary.

Also, re: the Fed... LOL goldbuggery. Even Friedman thought you people were fucking insane.

Comment Re:Two can play at this game (Score 1) 638

The reason we don't see health insurance competition across state lines is the concept of a race to the bottom like the one that happened when credit cards deregulated. There's a reason all of the credit card companies are in South Dakota and Delaware now: those are the places with the weakest consumer protection laws. The same will happen with safeguards on health insurance.

In other words, if your state thinks it makes sense for every woman to have access to birth control on a basic health plan and passes a law to that effect, it'll only govern insurers based in that state. So much for states' rights, eh?

Comment Re:Yes, obviously science is the issue (Score 1) 1128

Ah, I see now. So you're discounting WWII (and to a lesser extent the WPA and other Depression-era spending pre-1937; you know, when the economy crashed again due to ZOMG-it's-a-deficit budget balancing) as Keynesian stimuli. Which, you know, worked.

And you're discounting the success of Iceland (the un-Austerian country) as compared to the austerity-driven remainder of the world? Or the comparative success of the US relative to Britain (which would be stronger if it weren't for all the states with Republican governors laying off thousands of workers)?

For every case you can give me of purported failure of stimulus, I can provide a broader context; largely, what you would call a failure is because either a) deficit spending was misapplied (it's only necessary in a liquidity trap) or b) it was insufficient to propel a full recovery.

So, in sum, my one-sided tiny mental bubble is comprised of largely evidence-based assessments of global financial track records in previous periods of liquidity-trap crisis. Is yours?

And ad-hominem does wonders for your point.

Comment Re:Yes, obviously science is the issue (Score 1) 1128

That's the biggest clue, the lack of liberals to properly predict how anything (weather, the economy) will work, while unheeded conservative warnings come true time after time.

You don't read much Krugman, do you? Like the part where he predicted the stimulus would fail because it was entirely inadequate, or how the current austerity push would cause a self-reinforcing cycle of lack-of-growth followed by more austerity? Let alone the predictions he made in the Bush years about things like the Iraq war (but that's admittedly political commentary moreso than economic prediction).

Comment Re:This still doesn't address fragmentation (Score 1) 206

Well, my girlfriend has gone through two iPhones (the 3GS stopped working so she got the 4, which broke within 6 months). She's got a replacement iPhone4 now, and she's taken to calling it her lemon (hurr hurr apple, lemon, hurr hurr) and has fallen in love with her Xoom so she's planning on an Android phone next go'round.

Meanwhile, my 1.5+ year old Droid X is happily humming along next to my brand new shiny Galaxy Nexus, having never had an issue despite several cringe-inducing drops (once into a glass of water). Though the 3G -> 4G upgrade is totally worth it.

Comment Re:By default (Score 1) 360

$ First they came for Gnome,
$ but I didn't speak out because I wasn't a n00b.
$ Then they came for X,
$ but I didn't speak out because it kind of sucked.
$ Then they came for apt-get,
$ but I didn't speak out because I didn't have root.
$ Then they came for me, and
-bash: /bin/echo: No such file or directory

Comment Re:surprising? (Score 2, Insightful) 668

I believe so, as the alternative, "asshare," is read by my internal monologue as "ass-hare" which, while it sounds like "ass hair," is spelled like a cousin of "ass rabbit" and that just seems to me like a couple steps up from a gerbil, and neither of those is something I want to contemplate in the context of smartphones.

Am I the only one imagining 3G gerbils now?

Comment Re:You know.... (Score 2, Insightful) 229

While I agree on principle, there is a problem with this point:

The entire developed world (G8ish, or G20 excluding India and China, for the sake of argument) is in a minority compared to the undeveloped world. This does not imply that the developed world should move backward.

That said, within the developed world, US laws have rarely conformed to what the rest of the world has deemed sensible, and when they have, they've been on a several decade time lag in most cases (e.g., universal healthcare, gay rights, social safety net).

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