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Comment Re:The point is to make an end run (Score 2) 154

"I saved projects twice and got let go for being too good at what I do as I am no longer needed." Phrase it differently. You have been an independent consultant for awhile now. You are so good at what you do, that you have been able to quickly solve multiple client problems quickly and efficiently. Steve

Comment Content Providers and Networks are Afraid (Score 1) 227

I didn't see this posted but the reason content providers are afraid of the move to Internet TV is mostly about the content you don't watch. If everyone has control over what they watch and when they watch it, how will they make money from the junk you don't watch?
The average cable user only watches about 9 channels from the hundreds of channels being delivered to their home. If people only watch on a per episode basis, they lose all the advertising dollars and subscription fees from the crap channels. This scares the hell out of them as it means they lose money. They also know people either won't pay or they will only pay a very small amount for this content. You have to admit that doesn't Apple TV seem a little high priced?
The internet TV space should get very interesting as they learn how to monetize this new area. I just hope they realize that if the users don't agree with the price, they will get the content for free one way or another.

Comment Re:If Bill says it, it must be true (Score 1) 553

One thing I do not see pointed out is the killer app for tablet devices: accurate hand writing recognition. Without a keyboard you need a method to quickly enter pages of text. After using a Tablet Kiosk i400D slate for a year now, I have found it to be completely usable in the field without a keyboard using Windows 7 hand writing recognition. Even after a fresh install, I find the accuracy to be fantastic! Vista, Linux, and XP have unusable handwriting applications. I will admit that I do plug a keyboard into it once I get back to the office- anyways check it out. disclaimer: I do not work for Tablet Kiosk or Microsoft.

Third Undersea Cable Cut 655

Many readers are reporting that another undersea fiber optic cable has been cut, apparently caused by another wayward anchor. It looks like Iran has completely lost Internet connectivity."

Submission + - High tech Squirrels trained to conduct espionage (

Pcol writes: "In the July 20 issue of the Washington Post, columnist Al Kamen reports that the BBC has translated an story headlined "spying squirrels," published in the Iranian newspaper Resalat on the use of trained animals to conduct espionage against their country: "A few weeks ago, 14 squirrels equipped with espionage systems of foreign intelligence services were captured by [Iranian] intelligence forces along the country's borders. These trained squirrels, each of which weighed just over 700 grams, were released on the borders of the country for intelligence and espionage purposes." According the story the squirrels had "GPS devices, bugging instruments and advanced cameras" in their bodies. "Given the fast speed and the special physical features of these animals, they provide special capabilities for spying operations. Once the animals return to their place of origin, the intelligence gathered by them is then offloaded. . . ." Iranian police officials captured the squirrels before they could carry out their assignments."

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If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
