Comment Re:What about game rentals? (Score 1) 543
I completely agree with this. Most of the time I ONLY rent, although I'll occasionally pull the trigger on a Greatest Hit $20 new title. If they try to force you to always have to buy new, the price point HAS to be less. However, if the system does not allow rentals at all I will just simply not buy the system. If all of the systems go that way I guess I'm done playing on new systems and will just keep playing on what I have. If they ever realize that they were idiots and change it up then I'll consider going back. There is always a second hand market out there for items beyond rentals, used game stores, and online reselling. There's always people with garage sales, selling at flea markets, or some other way to sell things second hand. Preventing people to sell their old stuff in order to go buy new stuff is just going to turn into people never buying new stuff.