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Comment Re:What about game rentals? (Score 1) 543

I completely agree with this. Most of the time I ONLY rent, although I'll occasionally pull the trigger on a Greatest Hit $20 new title. If they try to force you to always have to buy new, the price point HAS to be less. However, if the system does not allow rentals at all I will just simply not buy the system. If all of the systems go that way I guess I'm done playing on new systems and will just keep playing on what I have. If they ever realize that they were idiots and change it up then I'll consider going back. There is always a second hand market out there for items beyond rentals, used game stores, and online reselling. There's always people with garage sales, selling at flea markets, or some other way to sell things second hand. Preventing people to sell their old stuff in order to go buy new stuff is just going to turn into people never buying new stuff.

Comment Re:60%? Try 7% (Score 1) 574

I've been a member of Netflix since around 2000. I had the 4-dvd's at a time that was later grandfathered into a 3-dvd's at a time pricing yet still was able to keep 4 dvd's. I guess a price change was inevitable. While I now stream more than I rent dvd's, I can't say that I'm happy with the price increase either. My rate is going from $19.99 to $29.98 as they are now going to put me into the 4 dvd's + streaming. So for me it's a 50% increase. I'm losing the "benefit" that I had of the extra dvd and now paying extra for streaming. It's a doubly whammy for long time customers. I also need to decide if I want to pay another $5 for blue-ray discs when I can't see how large their selection is of blue-ray. I think what I might do is drop to 3 dvd's, add blue-ray, and then the pay about $28/month. I don't know if I like that idea or not. I miss the days from way back when I was first a member and they sent all of their members a dvd rack to hold your 4 netflix dvd's that you have rented out. I still use it!


Submission + - Star Wars MMO: EA's Big Bet to Cost $100M (industrygamers.com) 1

donniebaseball23 writes: EA's BioWare is developing its first-ever MMORPG in Star Wars: The Old Republic, and the publisher is betting big that the project will be a huge success. Wedbush analyst Michael Pachter says development alone cost an estimated $80 million, with marketing and distribution adding in another $20 million. The good news is it shouldn't take much to break even. ""We estimate that EA will cover its direct operating costs and break even at 500,000 subscribers (this is exceedingly conservative, and the actual figure is probably closer to 350,000), meaning that with 1.5 million paying subscribers, EA will have 1 million profitable subs," Pachter noted.

Submission + - Bad Movie Physics Hurt Scientific Understanding (physorg.com)

eldavojohn writes: "A paper published by UCF researchers claims that bad movie physics hurt students' understanding of real world physics. From the article, "Some people really do believe a bus traveling 70 mph can clear a 50-foot gap in a freeway, as depicted in the movie Speed." The professors published this paper out of fear that society will pay the price. One of the authors commented on advancements in the past years "All the luxuries we have today, the modern conveniences, are a result of the science research that went on in the '60s during the space race. It didn't just happen. It took people doing hard science to do it." I commented on the physics of the most recent Die Hard having problems detracting from my enjoyment of the movie but is it really the root of a growing problem of poor science & math among students?"

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