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Comment Re:Jailbroken Steam Link? (Score 1) 206

For 5$ it is a neat toy. Realistically it's designed from the ground-up to have a much more powerful desktop doing any real computing. Hence, the "link" part. Anyway, it's underpowered, single core, 1ghz arm, 512M of memory. For the regular price of $50 there are better options, but at just $5, it's interesting.

Comment Re:Here's what I did (Score 1) 138

Arcing is just about impossible. However the fuse and/or circuit breaker is most likely rated for less than 200 volts. Under rated circuit breakers and fuses may not disconnect higher voltages than their rating. OP will likely have no issues until an over current happens. The it will be a gamble of it may safe-fully disconnect or may catch fire. Voltage and Amp ratings are for both normal situations and what happens when things go bad. It may go very bad with wrong ratings.

Comment Re:Or... just hear me out here... (Score 1) 1197

I am fine with the given risk. Many places it's permited to play baseball. There is a risk of damaging windows, property and inflicting injury on anyone withing several hundred feet. The risk is low, and damnages are expected to be paid for anyone outside of the event. It's still allowed, not because it's safe, because the risk damange is low.

Comment Re:But is it "free software"? (Score 3, Interesting) 143

Of all the things that benefit from being free software, games aren't entirely gaining. A game with source code include all the "spoilers". Part of the magic of a new game is exploring, not drudging though code (an entirely different game). If there is anything given less criticism, let it be games. Sometime it's entertaining to be surprised. That is a games intended purpose, to entertain.

Comment Re:Actually, ADM Rogers doesn't "want" that at all (Score 1) 406

History lessons don't count today.
Today, or any time after about 1991, general encryption available to the public became unbreakable (PGP). Breaking older code happened because they where breakable. Today, this is not the case. To actually break todays code, no one can. They break the systems they run on. For anyone to continue as it was before is not to ask if one can break codes, it's to ask to break everyone's system. Intentionally crippling security is less security than is already available. Unfortunately our "enemies" can just not use our systems and we are to be left with crippled implementations. It is a disadvantage that doesn't support the goals stated.

Comment Please shame whomever it is (Score 3, Insightful) 141

Please don't hide whom it is that I might accidentally do business with. Nothing is going to change just sending them an email, they may even go after you for doing so. However you may stop others from being suckered when their poor security becomes everyone else's problem. It's not their problem, it's going to be everyone else's.

First assumption is that there isn't somewhere that'll get broken. Everywhere probably will get successfully attacked at some point. Use a password manager. At least this way, when somewhere is broken, I'm sure that it's the only place where that password is used.

Comment Re:Digital imitaing analog != Analog (Score 0) 155

That's not analog strictly speaking. That is a digital device imitating an analog display. Nothing wrong with that but it isn't the same thing. To be an analog device it has to operate on analog (continuous) signals. Digital devices by definition cannot do more than an approximation of a continuous signal. Possibly a very good approximation but an approximation nonetheless.

Everything is an approximation. Any real signal of any type will contain noise. Analog has a signal/noise ratio for a given design, while digital has the same. Changing a signal into ones and zeros does add noise, however so does everything else.

Comment Re:Some are also destroyed/lost (Score 1) 438

Flash chips do not normally contain JTAG. The WRT54G and phones using ARM have TJAG in the processor. It's for recovery and debugging, allowing the processor to be stopped and manipulated from a computer. If the processor works, TJTAG and USB could be an option.

I would have to recommend against using JTAG. The cheap adapters cost something which is more than free included USB. It is also dog slow. My much older phone would take over 30hours to copy across JTAG with a speed of 256KBs. USB running at full speed still takes around 10min. Newer phones ship with Gigabytes worth of flash, making JTAG alone unreasonable.

Comment How big is small office? (Score 1) 224

How many handsets and how far away to you make calls. For less than 5 handsets or mostly local calls, a simple, simple hardware pbx is still king. It's just not worth the trouble of setting up several thousand dollars worth of gear just to have options you're probably not going to use. Samsung and Tadaran make simple boxes that don't randomly crash or require hours and hours of setup and maintenance.
Voip starts to make sense when you need to have access to phones outside of the office. Asterisk does a good job of patching into any other PBX as a voicemail service and routing calls in/out to voip. Normal calls don't get dropped and VOIP is still a less reliable but still functioning option.
Voip only makes sense when there are many phone in many places with many changes. It's a up front cost of testing all network gear for working QOS. Routers, switches and you're ISP has to have working QOS. When you need everything to talk with everything else, there when you have many many handsets in many places, then worry about having open communications.
For small business though, simple hardware pbx with a few extra ports give options to open it up later.

Comment Re:Theft? (Score 1) 244

Without removing you in the process, how can you're identity be stolen. Stolen identity is surely possible while breaking a multitude of other laws. How is lying to the creditor, to receive illicit gains, not just fraud? If I tell the bank I'm the damn Queen of England, it surely isn't a problem for the Queen of England is it?

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