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Comment Re:This is not a complex issue. (Score 1) 316

If you watch the 'Seattle is Dying' video there is an interview with a retired police officer who notes how the police are being ordered by the mayor and city council to selectively enforce laws and the prosecutors office is not filing almost half of the reports that officers do make. And even then the successful prosecution rate is abysmal.

Also towards the end of the video is a segment on how Rhode Island is successfully treating addicts through their corrections system, both in prison and then support once they're released that seems to be working. But incarceration is the first step to helping these people.

Comment You keep using that word. I do not think it.. (Score 1) 183

means what you think it means.

Dear lords as a cybersecurity/IA professional reading this thing makes my head hurt from the buzzword bingo and absolutely worthless definitions included within.

"taking into account the novelty of the technology used" - what? WTF does that mean? Is that a legal phrase or the verbal diarrhea of a staffer that thinks this sounds cool but is worthless from a legislative, and more importantly judicial, perspective? The corporate lawyers are going to run rings around this B.S.

Comment Re:Dietary Studies are NOT Advice!!! (Score 1) 286

There are lies, damn lies, and statistics. Looking at what I can find on the study I don't trust its modelling and I can't find the data that categorically shows they had an 'egg' category on the self-report. But if you do have it please link it in.

I have to agree with Aighearach that this seems to be an oversimplification of what is a more complex issue that needs a more rigorous methodology to track actual consumption by the subjects over time as the primary data source and not aggregate information from studies that could have been incorrectly conducted, incorrectly analyzed, or just plain falsified.

Comment Why is this news? (Score 2) 211

Looking at the articles by the author he's not a games 'journalist' (and very few of the people calling themselves game journalists have a clue how to actually be a journalist), so I'm not sure why I should care what he thinks about RDR2 (BTW I have not bought/played the game, so I don't have a dog in the fight myself). If this was an article of cultural or artistic aspects of the game he might be a bit more qualified in his opinion, but to someone who is not specifically interested in this genre of games of course this is going to be boring.

Imagine trying to get Johnny who's only game experience is CS:GO to play Civilization. He might take an interest, but I'm going to bet he's going to think you're torturing him by making him play a slow/boring game.

Comment Re:Lots of common MS software is used for war alre (Score 3, Funny) 275

What do you mean becoming? Windows has been used in command & control and weapons applications for almost two decades.. I'd be happy if Microsoft stepped aside and let UNIX/linux become the primary platforms in DoD. At least something that made sense would be in use... well besides systemd.

Comment Re:Ethical Concern (Score 2, Insightful) 631

He doesn't need an excuse - I'd say he justified his actions by showing how unethical the social science publications are. This activity is throwing more light on just how unscientific the social 'sciences' are, and now that he's thoroughly embarrassed the field the Portland State University administration is capitulating to the calls for his head by social 'scientists'.

He knew this was going to be the probable outcome of his actions, and I'm fairly sure while his traditional academic is over there will be future opportunities for him to express himself freely and take part in the field of philosophy without a choke-chain.

Comment Re:What a stupid question (Score 0) 332

Yea an AC says it stupid so it must be... not. Personally as I have to work in places that you have to travel fifty klicks to be in the boonies and the only way to get a wireless signal is to get fly fifty klicks further than that towards civilization.

I believe a possible answer is that it cuts down on cost when you can Google translate a document from Mandarin/Cantonese to any other, and not have to re-print it when it come out with 'Instructions unclear, X stuck in toaster'. It is one less link in the production chain that producers believe can be removed without issue to their customer.

And sometimes they're wrong when the user interface is fairly simple but has many nested layers of settings and only a small LCD screen/a handful of LEDs to show current setting and status. But I'm sure they're not worried about one customer.

Who's the retard now AC?

Comment Re:I'm guessing.. (Score 1) 115

I did Mr. AC jackass squared and I stand by my original assertion. Asking for any advice pertaining to a HOA on /. is the same a taping twenty pounds of liver to your body and jumping into the ocean off the Barrier Reef. You will have an interesting encounter; your chances of having a positive experience is realllyyyyy against the odds.

So maybe if you think you're all that and a bag of apps don't post anonymously.

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