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Journal staticjedi's Journal: Banks & Their BS


They are just so fucked up!!!!!!!!

Yes I am pissed and will use lots and lots of profanity in this posting because well a bank-WASHINGTON MUTUAL in spesific- has decided that just because the repo rate is up this month they will take unsuspecting and easy target customers and STEAL from them!!!!!!

I deposit a $75 check on the 22nd and today I go in to deposit a $10 check and when I get my statement from the teller I see a -$65 ballance!!!!!!!

Apperantly the drafter of the check put a stop payment on the check and now I owe the bank $65 for someonelses FUCK UP!!!

And here is the shit ball end of it---this was an eBay thingy and I have already shipped the item!!!! So now they win, and once again I have to pay for some other fuck ups bull shit.

Kiddos let me tell one thing that will be a solid peice of life advice--IT DOEN'T END WHEN YOU GET OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL!!! IF YOU ARE THE ONE THEY PICK ON IN SCHOOL YOU WILL BE THE ONE THEY PICK ON IN THE REAL WORLD TOO!!!!!

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Banks & Their BS

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