Comment How do you know female interest is unnatural? (Score 1) 647
It's common on tech forums to see "females naturally don't like tech or math". When and how did we prove with undeniable certainty the "natural" inclinations of a person, based on their gender? Considering many of these professions are hardly "natural" anyway, how do you make that determination? Are females born with a propensity to like purses rather than wallets?
Personally, I welcome diversity, and while many people will clamor that it forces unqualified people into workplaces, I'll show you many people who are simply "making it work" and are nothing special. In fact, I'd argue the most damage of keeping unqualified workers exists in "they know (or are related to) X". Many female developers I've met are just as skilled as their male counterparts and usually tend to be more organized in my experience. I've seen less female "rock stars" but that may be due to the fact that I've worked with WAY more men (sample bias).
While this is an anecdote, I feel like it has some truth in it. I was at Target. A mother and her daughter were shopping around. The young daughter begged to be Spider-Man for Halloween and the mother continually said, "No, that's for boys. You can choose something else." My experience tells me that is far from a rarity, and that's simply concerning dressing up like some fictional character. I feel like many people in the tech community who are decently rational will say, "Who cares what costume or choice a child makes based on their gender" and then attempt to apply that to how others react to the same situation. Well, there are many people out there who still apply genders to the most minute of decisions, and they are parents.
P.S. I'm not a SJW, at all. Please stop overusing the term. However, I just don't see what's worth whining about. Who the fuck cares? Your job is not at risk by a certain discipline attempting to be more inclusive. If it is, then that is an HR problem at your company or your skills aren't that great. People who are upset are either severely overreacting (for whatever reason) or are just play the protectionist game.