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Comment How do you know female interest is unnatural? (Score 1) 647

It's common on tech forums to see "females naturally don't like tech or math". When and how did we prove with undeniable certainty the "natural" inclinations of a person, based on their gender? Considering many of these professions are hardly "natural" anyway, how do you make that determination? Are females born with a propensity to like purses rather than wallets?

Personally, I welcome diversity, and while many people will clamor that it forces unqualified people into workplaces, I'll show you many people who are simply "making it work" and are nothing special. In fact, I'd argue the most damage of keeping unqualified workers exists in "they know (or are related to) X". Many female developers I've met are just as skilled as their male counterparts and usually tend to be more organized in my experience. I've seen less female "rock stars" but that may be due to the fact that I've worked with WAY more men (sample bias).

While this is an anecdote, I feel like it has some truth in it. I was at Target. A mother and her daughter were shopping around. The young daughter begged to be Spider-Man for Halloween and the mother continually said, "No, that's for boys. You can choose something else." My experience tells me that is far from a rarity, and that's simply concerning dressing up like some fictional character. I feel like many people in the tech community who are decently rational will say, "Who cares what costume or choice a child makes based on their gender" and then attempt to apply that to how others react to the same situation. Well, there are many people out there who still apply genders to the most minute of decisions, and they are parents. :)

P.S. I'm not a SJW, at all. Please stop overusing the term. However, I just don't see what's worth whining about. Who the fuck cares? Your job is not at risk by a certain discipline attempting to be more inclusive. If it is, then that is an HR problem at your company or your skills aren't that great. People who are upset are either severely overreacting (for whatever reason) or are just play the protectionist game.

Comment What incredible courage... (Score 1) 495

It was one thing to push wireless for mobile phones. I don't like it, but at the very least, you're usually not stationary, and I've had cords get tangled or yanked on the go.

But seeing as laptops are often productivity workstations where you may spend hours at a time working, I want and need a 3.5mm jack. My good, wired headphones are for the long hauls. No charging needed (and no batteries to expire) and are reliable. I use Bluetooth when I'm on the go or exercising and a cord may actually get in my way. I'm not going to go on a 7-hour jog either, so I'm not worried about charging it.

No, I don't want any peripherals, either. I WILL lose peripherals, and I hate that the knee-jerk reaction to these type of complaints is to purchase a peripheral. I understand how to solve that simple problem, okay? My issue is that it's a problem I didn't ask for!

MacBooks are the only hardware I'm interested in purchasing from Apple, but if this happens, no way.

Comment Price wins! (Score 1) 250

The main driving force is always price. Always. That's why I believe Android will continue to win, and it's simply a huge perk that we have access to the source (even though delays frustrate the entitled folk).

Apple popularized the smartphone market, meaning they brought the 'taste' to the mainstream. They did the same with MP3 players. However, when comparing products, Android may not be optimal for everyone's tastes, but if it's 'good enough' then it's a formidable substitute. And at a lower cost, it will not lose.

Comment Re:Let the hating begin (on /. anyway) (Score 2, Interesting) 617

I swear the anti-Apple crowd are far and away worse than the real fanboys. Even in the worst-possible scenario, with everyone who likes Apple kit being a fan (ahem, including both genders, here) , at least the fans have something they like, appreciate, and enjoy using. The haters just hate. And that's pitiably sad.

Oh really? I find them both equally irritating.

I had a friend requesting advice for a laptop that may be used for video editing. His budget was $500 and he was thinking about a Mac since Windows XP was giving him issues on an older desktop. Out of the woodwork, the discussion was filled with rabid Mac fans pushing him to buy without regard to the price point, many recommending outdated models and offering their old ones. My contribution was that he had options, especially for his needs, his budget and the relative decency which is Windows 7. There was no option for these other people.

Yet he impulsively bought one not soon after. Funny thing. He went on craigslist and accidentally bought a stolen one. He has been subpoenaed to testify against the thief. His blog post here (no ads, it's just his story).

Comment Who Cares? Focus on the solution. (Score 1) 342

Whether or not I believe we are spelling our quick demise is really none of my concern. Many publications on the topic have claimed much of the damage is irreversible. Some seem to inappropriately model the data (read: make accurate predictions). Inability to make such predictions isn't proof of incorrectness, but instead, it makes me ponder the usefulness. However, while I do I have my reservations on these findings, I do have a strong opinion on energy. With our current plans, it's quite finite.

In short, I'd rather have more money being poured into renewable technologies, even at the expense of climate change research (not cutting it). If we know the proposed solution is a future-bound inevitability (regardless of the validity of climate change theory), what's all the fuss for? I'd just suggest to look at how much money and power the industry of energy holds. That's why it's political.

I will add that I believe what bothers me about some "Global Warmists" is the animosity and push for dramatic overnight change. Some people even discard nuclear energy, dubbing it too dirty. Sure, it's not perfect but it's a farcry away from coal and a good stepping stone as we search for better answers.

Infrastructures have to be rebuilt. New technologies must be found. Limitations must be overcome (wind, etc.) Resources must be considered every step of the way. Money is also required. Focus on the solution. It will be needed no matter the issue.

Comment What a loaded submission - find a new job. (Score 2, Insightful) 865

You work a 60-hour work week. Apparently, you also get a poor amount of sleep. Working out involves recovery time. Adequate sleep is paramount to a sound body and mine.

You can't do a workout program? You can't wake up early? You really can't do anything outside of your days off. You want a magic fit pill? You want longer days? You want what does not exist.

The answer is blatantly obvious: find a new job or face the fact that your mental and physical state will erode over time.

It is comforting to know that IT doesn't require common sense.

Comment Re:Poor excuse (Score 2, Insightful) 272

Piracy is rampant on the DS too, and there's tons of money being made there.

Agreed. Buy a flash cart, a microSD card and you're off to the piracy races for the DS. Much less complicated than PSP modding even though that is relatively simple.

It boils down to a few things: price, game selection and allure of the hardware.

It automatically failed on price. Remember, when its price dropped the PSP received a decent boost in sales. Unfortunately, due to their sparse selection of quality games, I don't think it held much interest.

The launch of the DS was stronger. The DS Lite reinvigorated and popularized the console. Also, it provided an interesting way to play games. Now games could be made that actually interested mom and pop (read: Brain Age). The PSP stuck with hardcore technological advantage and fell on its face. Not to mention the 'nub' joystick is a pain to get used to or the disparity in battery life.

Sony has no one to blame but themselves, but honestly, they've done relatively well in an arena that Nintendo absolutely slaughters.

Comment Re:Customization cost (Score 1) 315

Maybe their whole production process is customized with a Vista image. Imagine that you now have an employee that needs to yank out the vista hard drive, throw in an xp hard drive, and then have another employee make sure that it is an XP system before it ships out. Not to mention the cost of changing the OS sticker on the laptop...

I'd also imagine that such a production process could have custom XP deployments for their machines especially when there seems to be a demand for it. I was given an HP laptop with Vista on it as a gift. It took me less than a day to hunt for the drivers and get it running despite it being a bit of a pain. Now why can't a company with much better resources than me alone accomplish this same task much quicker?

The software/computer industry has always gone the way of forced obsolescence. It has guaranteed revenue for quite some time. With Vista, what we are seeing is consumer backlash with this concept. Couple that with the speeds that your average PC has, and other than hardware failure, your average PC consumer shouldn't need an upgrade for years unless their needs increase.

Comment Re:New PoP is awesome thanks to the lack of death. (Score 1) 507

I estimate I spent about 10 hours on the game, and I would far rather have 10 AWESOME hours than 40 hours of padded frustrating crap. I'm old enough I don't want to waste my time on stupid sh@# just for the sake of being hardcore like an internet suicide.

The combat is eventually a bit tedious, yes. I'd prefer the game be even MORE stripped down. I'm perfectly willing to drop $40 for 8 hours of making you feel like a total badass.

Elika is amazing - she is never annoying (which is astounding for a companion) and the dialogue is interesting and funny. And the ending is just fantastic; it deserves a mention even separate from the lack of death. I can't say anything much without spoiling it, but I love how it asks you (and you likely comply gladly) to subvert everything you've done.

I can't tell if you're talking about a movie or a game. But then again, they'll starting to slowly merge IMO. HD graphics, motion control and CPU power getting better and better. Virtual reality is on its way. Part of me is psyched and the other part worried.

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