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Comment closed hatch (Score 1) 39

As I understand it, the hatch that is being kept closed is NOT between the US and the Russian version (not certain this is a simple interface anyway, as I
beleivee that diffeerent sections were built by both sides and joined int the existing assembly), But is a hatcg accesing an atachemnet poit for temporarily atching such things as supply ships.

Comment Waylannd ass default? (Score 0) 71

Please feel free to correct me f i am incorrect here, as I have not tried Wayland, but I do not believe it sis a network distributed display system, as X11 is. If this is correct, then for my usage Wayland will never be an appropriate solution. A lot of what I do is run processes on machine that are not the one I am physically in front of (my workstation), and I absolutely depend on being able pus the remote displays to my local display session.

Comment capacity versus actual MWH (Score 4, Interesting) 133

I believe these numbers are based on capacity. I would love to see a comparison of actual generate MWH for nonrenewables versus their rated capacity as a comparison to the units being shut down. I believe most of the 2 major sources of renewables (wind and solar) almost never actually achieve their rated maximum capacity, and the percent of actual generated to their rate capacity is remarkably low, as they are both mostly only available at least part of the time.

Comment Worst thing that has happened to Linux ever (Score 4, Interesting) 236

This piece of software is the worst thing that has EVER happened to Linux. First there is not much of a reason for it in the first place. There are well established, workable methods for start up of various daemons on system boot, or level change. Second it is the mounter that is trying to take over all system functionality. For example it wants to replace ntpd! It is trying to move Linux back to old windoze ways.

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