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Journal srwalter's Journal: The Downward Spiral

Wow, seems like I go longer every time I write a journal entry. That's to what the subject refers; sorry if it's a bit dismal. I probably wouldn't have remembered to write a journal entry today if not for the fact that Erin wrote one earlier, and I got an email reminder to that effect.

My life has been pretty packed since over the weekend, but I think I'm finally getting back on top of things. I caught up on my sleep deficit last night (despite being awoken at 3am by the fire alarm! ahh!). I finished my calculus homework earlier (which was suspiciously easy), and folded the laundry from last night. Kinda wrinkly now, but stuff happens.

I also got some things out of the way: my honors paper (by not doing it) and my EE test yesterday. Hopefully I did well with that.

Lots of driving in the weekend. Four trips between Lexington and Bowling Green; contributed in no small part to my exhaustion. But it was well worth it. Had a great time with Erin and my family. Saw The Whole 10 Yards, which was okay. Not quite as good as I'd hoped it to be. Delicious lunch on Sunday at Aunt Linda's as well.

Looking ahead. I'm thinking about doing my German homework, which is due tomorrow, after I finish this journal entry. Erin's gone to Lab right now, but hopefully she'll be back for a little while to talk to (as I'm obviously pretty chatty right now). Whenever she goes to dinner/concert, I figure I'll eat as well. Chicken strips night! I'm also taping some Simpsons for future viewing. Good times.

As far as the coming days go, I've got to turn in a CS program tomorrow, reading for honors for Thursday, probably a new math assignment, and possibly some EE work. There's the ever looming mathclass, which I'm trying to get back into the habit of working on. I also have one final essay to write for honors before the end of the semester. And a CS test next Monday. Other than that, I should be free and clear for the summer.

Birthday in 12 days!

This discussion was created by srwalter (39999) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

The Downward Spiral

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"It is easier to fight for principles than to live up to them." -- Alfred Adler
