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Journal Journal: Jesus Doll Rejected for Distribution to Kids

Guardian UK reports that the Marine Reserve's Toys for Tots programs has rejected a talking Jesus toy.

As a government entity, Marines ``don't profess one religion over another,'' Grein said Tuesday. ``We can't take a chance on sending a talking Jesus doll to a Jewish family or a Muslim family.''

I feel what Marines did was the right thing and feel that they did the right thing by not hurting relegious sentiments of the families of poor kids who may receive dolls. La Roe said. ``I believe as a churchgoing person, anyone can benefit from hearing the words of the Bible.'' . Not everyone may agree with what the business development manager of the company that makes these dolls.


Journal Journal: Microsoft Hacked !

Microsoft Website was attacked on Friday redering it unavailable for almost 2 hrs ! Microsoft company spokesman Sean Sundwall says Friday incident was unrelated to any Microsoft flaws.

report from

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