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Comment Re:You Forgot America (Score 1) 249

Bingo! Trickle-down econ BS; and MBA outsourcing real work (factories etc.) to China etc. and outsourcing coding/programming to incompetent "monkeys” in India etc.; and deregulation of the insurance industry (bit me personally: no more reporting to Fed --> no more reporting systems).

Comment Re:Red Herring: storage (Score 1) 88

IF you're helping to clarify THEN thanks.
That's what I said. I started by pointing out that the article was wrong in claiming that Double-keyed Browser Caching "forces websites to maintain separate copies of shared resources". Websites only need one file that they can point to (public URL or private filesystem) . . . even if the browser (client) downloads more than once from the website (server).

Comment Red Herring: storage (Score 1) 88

The storage argument "forces websites to maintain separate copies of shared resources" per domain is a red herring (BS). The websites already have separate directory trees (in CDN). Any shared resources can continue to be shared: just use symbolic links in website tree(s) to the shared resource(s) in CDN. Don't they do this already?

Comment Re:Ads (Score 1) 237

I cannot get a page? (Using eMatrix/uMatrix in Pale Moon) eMatrix/uMatrix: error message unknown domain?
"Failed to load website properly since is blocked. Please allow"
"This page could not be loaded properly due to incorrect / bad filtering rule(s) of adblockers in use. Please disable all adblockers to continue using the website, (click OK if you'd like to learn more)"
Loading Support

Comment Re:Genius (Score 1) 187


So, we mostly agree on the facts. But, the "tech[nician] in Lebanon" was not mentioned. The article said that at least two Hezbollah members suspected something was amiss with the devices. One of them could have been a/the technician. I’m just curious whether someone spilled the beans (first) or Hezbollah actually found out upon inspection (first).

Comment Re:Crap.... (Score 2) 106

Sorry. Bad analysis. The gaslines had nothing to due with interest rates. Expensive car repairs are expensive, but not because of interest rates. Get real; your family needed the loan. The real issue with interest rates is balance: interest on (our) savings/investments versus interest on loans.

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