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Journal spun's Journal: OSS Friendly Hosting Recommendations? 9

Anyone know any decent web hosting providers? I'm looking for a basic host that can provide MySQL, Perl, PHP, access to apache log files, POP3, and a full shell with SSH access. So far I'm thinking Hurricane Electric's starter package at $9.95/mo with 1GB storage and 25GB traffic is my best option. Any thoughts? I'm especially looking for companies with a history of 1.) good technical support and 2.) supporting open source software.

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OSS Friendly Hosting Recommendations?

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  • Dreamhost is a good hosting company IMO. They're OSS friendly to the extent that they pick charities every month that users can donate to through their Dreamhost account, and Dreamhost matches the contribution 100%. My $20 towards FreeBSD became $40 :-) They also support and use lots of OSS soultions. I can't speak for the SSH support, but I'd be shocked if they didn't offer it.

    If you want to see the pricing enter the promo code of "Lithron1" at this [] address and you'll get better pricing than normal. 1
  • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
    First I wanna plug 10for10 [], run by a Slashdot geekette SlashChick []. We have been using one of their dedicated servers where I work, and I am planning on moving my personal sites there at some point; they have been a great company so far, and their prices are resonable.

    Also, I noticed you appear to be living in NM? What part of NM do you live in (I live in Albuquerque)?

    • I live in Albuquerque, too. Northeast Heights area, near Academy and San Mateo. Maybe we could get together for lunch or something? I don't think I've ever met another slashdotter in person.
      • Sure! What part of town do you work in? I work fairly close to the Big-I, so I can get just about anywhere in town. In a few weeks work should calm down enough so I can actually go out for lunch :-)

        I think trmj [] is from here too (there are a few other people I have chatted with briefly as well, but I can't recall who right off the top of my head). There is a slashdot meetup here, but I have never gone since I don't know any of the people who go. I have also been meaning to go to one of the LUG meetings but I

        • I've live here about a year and a half. I lived in San Francisco before that, but part of my family is from here (aunts and cousins, mostly.)

          I work at the big state building at San Mateo and Central, so we work very close to each other.
          • Cool (I like SF; only visited a few times and never had enough time to explore much). I'll email you later and see if we can work a lunch meeting :-)
          • Did you get my email? Things have been crazy since I emailed it and I haven't had a chance to bug you to see if it got through.
            • Ah, no, I was away this weekend and kind of busy. I'll check when I get home. Oh, and by the way, my recruiter called me up today asking if I knew anyone in Albuquerque with Linux and WebLogic experience. I don't, do you?
              • Got Linux but alas, no WebLogic. Wow, I wonder if this is a City of ABQ job; they use WebLogic and pay pretty well. My underused web skills weep as they atrophy into nothingness.

There must be more to life than having everything. -- Maurice Sendak
