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Comment Re:The light stuff works totally differently (Score 1) 71

When you say that a relatively large scattered field (as compared to the relative momentum of the light beam used) attracts objects - how does a 'scattered field' cause this attraction? I guess I'm trying to determine how a scattered field of light would cause momentum towards the emitter...

Would an electrostatic force be possible in the vacuum of space?

Comment Re:Love KDE (Score 2) 44

I have a lot of respect for lean programs. I've been building my own hand-coded assembly kernel for the last few years as I have a fascination with lean, mean programming. However, KDE does offer a lot of very useful functionality that is an honest time-saver. I'm an akonadi+nepomuk convert. I also love KIO and Kate.

IMHO, if I was going for lean, I wouldn't be using a GUI anyway. Definitely not for Linux sysadmin tasks!

Comment Love KDE (Score 2) 44

It has really come along from the 4.0 days. Very stable for me - use it all day, every day at work. Only problem I have is that if you have a auto-hidden panel and a full-screen Citrix app then there is a 10px portion of the screen that is unusable right over the auto-hide hover area.

Other than that - it's awesome. I can't live without Kontact, Dolphin, Okular and Gwenview.

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