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Comment Re: That got to her (Score 1) 255

Itâ(TM)s clear she did not expect to be challenged. How dare Amazon respond to her attacks!

Seriously, in most cases, politicians tweeting and âoequestioningâ during hearings are simply grandstanding opportunities. How many times have we seen politicians speak abusively to witness for five minutes without asking questions then getting mouthy when their assertions are challenged?

Comment Re: Why a battery? Why wireless? That's pointless. (Score 1) 180

One hundred feet for PoE is fine.

As others have said, hardwired is the right answer here. I understand why you are reluctant but it really is the right answer. You can cable it up once and it will work as long as the switch is powered, no battery hassles, no signal hassles, etc. and it wonâ(TM)t matter what services or processes you want to run on the camera.

Even if it were a longer distance, there are solutions available to deal with it.

Comment Re:Awesome job guys! (Score 5, Informative) 229

If (yeah, I know) the Chinese are developing nuclear bombs, this will hold them up for maybe a couple of years.

China has been a declared nuclear weapons state since 1964.

They are doing what we are doing now - modeling how the weapons work because many of us agreed not to physically test them any more over twenty years ago.

Comment Re:Get OFF your freaking duffs! (Score 2) 227

"It has become time to classify Internet Service Providers as Title II Common Carriers. The possibilities for abuse are just too great otherwise. Failure to do so will cripple the future economic well being of the United States, stifle innovation, and limit the freedom of consumers to choose the content they desire."

You do understand that telephone carriers pay to interconnect with each other with the carrier terminating a call ultimately being paid for that termination? This is the exact situation we don't want to see with ISPs. (As a side-bar this is why there are/were so many "free" conference calling solutions in rural Iowa - a few of the carriers there were paid upwards of $0.02/min for termination, regardless of origin, and were willing to *pay* customer to receive calls!)

I support net neutrality 100% but what happened between Netflix, Cogent, and Comcast has nothing to do with it.


8-Core Intel Nehalem-EX To Launch This Month 186

MojoKid writes "What could you do with 8 physical cores of CPU processing power? Intel's upcoming 8-core Nehalem-EX is launching later this month, according to Intel Xeon Platform Director Shannon Poulin. The announcement puts to rest rumors that the 8-core part might be delayed, and makes good on a promise Intel made last year when the chip maker said it would release the chip in the first half of 2010. To quickly recap, Nehalem-EX boasts an extensive feature-set, including up to 8 cores per processor, up to 16 threads per processor with Intel Hyper-threading, scalability up to eight sockets via Intel's serial Quick Path Interconnect and more with third-party node controllers, and 24MB of shared cache."

Comment Re:Here's an update, folks! (Score 1) 402

Yes, there is. You need a passport to go to Canada or Mexico these days. No passport? You don't get out. They wanna keep you in the US, all they gotta do is cancel your passport. They don't have to give you a reason upfront.

Ah, but you didn't mention cancellation of passports. That's a much larger problem but you could still easily enter Mexico or Canada. There's a few (most?) Mexican border stations that simply don't check documents for people walking across the border to their side.

As for Canada, there's a lot of back roads protected by nothing but an orange cone most of the night.

That is one reason why we've been up in arms about who the Canadians let into their country as it is so easy to get from there to here without being detected.

Comment Re:Here's an update, folks! (Score 1) 402

The so-called wall that supposed to built to keep illegal immigrants out of our country and away from our jobs does just as good a job at keeping US in! You're not going to get out of this country if they don't want you to.


Unless you're on a no-fly list you're going to able to fly out of the country. There's no outbound passport control in the US.

And if you're on the no-fly list you're not going anywhere unless you're driving. (Then you could drive to Canada or Mexico)

Comment Not a big deal... (Score 1) 402

Perhaps I'm out of the loop but I don't see anything here that's outrageous.

It looks like CBP received a dump of your PNR from the airline, period. Any data that's stored in that PNR will be transmitted when it's dumped. Whoopty-fookin-do. It's the AIRLINE that has all this information to begin with.

As for the CBP internal records it makes sense they would track when/where your passport shows up. I know my passport details have either been manually entered or scanned in and out of most countries I've been in. (Or a backend transmittal occurred from the airline to passport control in that country to indicate I was departing)

Whilst the "big brother" connotation of this is troubling it is not as if CBP went out and GATHERED all this information on its own from various sources. They ask the airline for a dump of the PNR, the airline gives it to them. Since you booked everything into one PNR they got it all.

If anything here the airline is not taking appropriate steps to safeguard your data. I'd bitch at them before I'd get worked up with DHS. (Not saying I wouldn't get worked up with DHS too but I'd start at the source of the data)

Comment Unlocked Blackberries (Score 1) 229

This is not as simple as it sounds.

IIRC the Blackberry service depends on a particular APN being available to it. When you pop a prepaid SIM in from your destination country it typically won't come with that APN provisioned. This means phones calls, hassles, problems, and likely inability to work.

There's two "easy" solutions to this:

1 - Get unlimited "worldwide" Blackberry service from ATT/Verizon for $65/mo and have a separate phone with a local prepaid SIM in it for voice calls that is shared amongst the crew.

2 - Use an ActiveSync capable device as it merely depends on making an https connection.

My BlackBerry using friend and I were in Ireland and Northern Ireland last week. My iPhone worked quite happily with Vodefone IE and Orange UK SIMs. He couldn't get his Vodafone data working and had to call Orange and pay £5 extra to get his BlackBerry working.

If your people are travelling a lot and are not tech savvy I would go with option 1. There's only one device to swap SIMs on and the most savvy person can be responsible for it.

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