Is this like how for years women have preached how hard it is to get a job in STEM, when infact they pretty much breezed into work straight past all their male counterparts?
Remindes me of a mates wife, she spent a whole 3 weeks unemployed and was devastated in 10 job applications she only got 2 interviews, and was ready to GIVE UP due the how hard the job market was, on the flip side, I had held 2 jobs for 15 years, 7 years kitchen hand out of school in the recession, and 8 year in warehousing, in the warehouse job I made warehouse manger in 3 and half years.
I spent 2 years unemployed, couldn't get a job in hospitality, warehousing or management, 20+ applications a week, with real effort put into them, hell I even sought help with my applications and resumes only to be told "I cant believe you didn't even get a call back" from companies specializing in resumes.
We hear about how 7 publishers turned down harry potter, no one talks about how plenty of men send out stories to literally *every* publisher only to get all of them turned down but the last one.
There are really good female Authors out there, and they did the hard yards to get their place, just like most of the men, they didn't wake up one day and try to jump in head first, a lot of contemporary writers male and female have worked years, from the ground up, slaving at short stories, getting a name and a fan base to be able to find someone willing to risk the money to publish a book.
Anne McCaffrey is my second favorite Author, and the author of my two most loved books, she has been published since the NIGHTING FIFTIES under her female name, no need to hide it, no need to care, and if you think that today's world is a boys club, then imagine science fiction back then.