Comment Better be gluten free (Score 1) 37
Farm to table artseian hand curates tweets or I'm not interested.
Farm to table artseian hand curates tweets or I'm not interested.
Slashdot - news for nerds, "got bought by"
The rte link suggests a trademark
Only those funny foreigners cheat. Never happens here in the US...
I'm not saying it's aliens, but it's aliens.
Manual of Patent Examining Practice section 2111.03 Transitional phrases
Like the old fashioned barrage balloons? or is that too simple?
I mean seriously, was anyone actually going to watch this other than Seth Rogen's mom?
...but aliens!
It's a mobius printer that prints itself.
I recall way back in the mists of time car manufacturers in the UK sellimg kits of parts to avoid the high sales tax on cars.
I'm sure Elon could come up with a similar work around. Wheels sold separately.
Given huge numbers of mothballed aircraft sitting in the desert in AZ why do you need a grand conspiracy to use a commercial airliner full of people?
Quick someone mention the horse password thingy
it just says "volcano insurance" over and over again
Just fyi, Geely makes the current iteration of the famous London Black Taxi Cab.
If computers take over (which seems to be their natural tendency), it will serve us right. -- Alistair Cooke