It's amazing how many Northern Europeans can speak English very fluently, are well traveled and highly skilled, yet so few immigrate to the USA...I always assumed it's because they like it back home.
I think a big reason for learning English is to be able to do business with British folk, who are notoriously reluctant to learn foreign languages.
...this kind of sucks for me.
For all the videos I've uploaded to my channel I only ever allow the overlay adverts - the other types intrude too much on the viewer, so I disable them in order to make the viewing experience better.
If the option for overlay ads is removed then I have the option of losing the bulk of my YT income, or changing all of my videos to use a more intrusive advert type which will just serve to annoy - and likely drive away - viewers.
It made me think of the crime of "going equipped to commit the offence of..." rather than "committing the offence of..."
If I were to be found in possession of such a phone then I'd need to provide a good excuse as to why I needed it. Similarly, if I were picked up in the early hours of the morning equipped with a mask, a crowbar and an empty sack marked "swag" I'd have some explaining to do.
Part of the problem of not enough houses is that too many people have multiple houses, thus denying other people of a place to live.
I live in a fairly rural area in the north east of England (for those who aren't aware, property prices in the north are generally less than those in the south)
There are lots of small villages where the vast majority of houses are owned by families from the south who bought them as relatively cheap weekend/holiday homes. They sit unoccupied for long stretches of time, and locals struggle to find properties when it's time for them to leave their parental home or move to a bigger property to raise a family.
Local businesses are dying as a result - local pubs, shops, etc. set up to support a year-round community of a few hundred are struggling to cope when for most of the time the local population is just a few dozen, as the vast majority of the houses are mostly-empty second homes.
Some UFO are not man made.
The "U" in UFO stands for "Unidentified". For so long as a flying object is unidentified it cannot be classified as manmade or otherwise. If you can't identify what it is, then you can't identify what made it.
if you look into the extent og Google's surveillance and intelligence gathering - it's pretty damn creepy.
The same could be said of most companies who provide a service which is free of charge at the point of use
("standard avian tracker" - dude, when did this even become a thing?),.
I can't say for certain exactly when it became a thing - you'd be better off asking one of the people who actually make and sell them... https://www.microwavetelemetry...
"populations won't be able to mass produce electronics anymore, but they'll still be an enormous source of political and social power."
Maybe for a day or so until the battery runs flat and there's no means of recharging it in the post-apocalypse world
Whoever dies with the most toys wins.