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Comment Re:Premium content (Score 1) 234

Or they can use their existing wealth to lobby the state into brining in some regulation or other (in the same of a good cause, of course) which effectively gives them an unfair advantage allowing them to increase profits without improving service like every other "successful" business in the last however many decades.

Comment Re:So what are you going to do about it? (Score 1) 640

What would be the value of bombing people if you have already freed yourself of oppression?

My idea wasn't for a state structure, it is for a way to ensure that whatever the best way of doing things happen do be, it will evolve rather than just trying different things for the whole country (revolutions) until we happen to hit the right one.

Comment Re:So what are you going to do about it? (Score 1) 640

All proposals for other state structures are useless.

I believe the only way to find a better system of governance, be it state or otherwise, is to give everyone the right to secession from the current state. By that I mean either moving out into the wilderness and being free from state rule, but also not having any benefits from the taxes of others, or for an entire town or people within a large area to secede.

This was if there is a better way of doing things some people will try it and if they fail nobody will try to follow. If it is successful, more will follow until the current state can no longer maintain itself.

Comment Re:Great advertising for new versions! (Score 1) 590

"Sometimes, paying off legislators to write laws saying it's illegal for anyone to compete with you is more profitable. "
"All that is why we need partial capitalism with strictly enforced government oversight and regulation."

"paying off legislators to write laws saying it's illegal"
"partial capitalism with strictly enforced government oversight and regulation."

"paying off legislators"
"government oversight and regulation"

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