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Comment Re:My, my, my. (Score 1) 57

Why? Because VG is collectively shitting themselves right now. They're probably all over the forums spreading FUD. They were hoping for more time to spin their other operations from VG before quietly winding it down. They know their ridiculous little "space" plane will never work (at least not reliably) but they want to ride the gravy train as long as possible. Space Ship 1 was a dead end and everyone knows it. That design should have been left to rest in peace instead of trying to resurrect it.

Comment I've read something like this before... (Score 1) 216

It remind me of the book "We" by Yevgeny Zamyatin. It is a dystopian story about a totalitarian state where all of the architecture was glass so everyone could see what everyone else was doing as one way to enforce conformity. It was a society with no concept of privacy or individuality. So far the predictions of the dystopian stories like We and 1984 are coming true without government coercion.

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