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Comment Re:Ok, questions (Score 1) 125

Light is composed (in the particle picture at least) of photons which are neutrally charged particles. As such they are not affected by magnetic fields (which only affect charges MOVING in said magnetic field), outside of weird scenarios like a couple of people above have mentioned.

Faux-CNN Spam Blitz Delivers Malicious Flash 213

CWmike writes "More than a thousand hacked Web sites are serving up fake Flash Player software to users duped into clicking on links in mail that's part of a massive spam attack masquerading as news notifications, security researchers said today. The bogus messages, which claim to be from the news Web site, include links to what are supposedly the day's Top 10 news stories and Top 10 news video clips from the cable network. Clicking on any of those links, however, brings up a dialog that says an incorrect version of Flash Player has been detected and that tells users they needed to update to a fake newer edition, which delivers a Trojan horse — identified by multiple names, including Cbeplay.a — that 'phones home' to a malicious server to grab and install additional malware."

Dutch Town Lays Air-Purifying Concrete 295

eldavojohn writes "In an effort to combat air pollution, a Dutch town has paved some of its streets with air-purifying concrete. It contains a titanium dioxide-based additive that utilizes sunlight to turn car exhaust into harmless nitrates. It was shown to do this in a lab and now the scientists are interested in just how much this will affect the air quality around the road. They will sample the air quality by a normal road and by this newly paved one."

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