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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Re:Thermonuclear war  *Thursday November 21, 2013 @06:56PM 1 0
   attached to Samsung Ordered To Pay Apple $290M In Patent Case
Re:Smart move  *Thursday July 25, 2013 @11:33AM  0
   attached to After a User Dies, Apple Warns Against Counterfeit Chargers
Re:I fully support this!  *Friday July 05, 2013 @08:51PM 1 1
Re:I fully support this!  *Friday July 05, 2013 @08:43PM  1, Troll
   attached to Student Project Could Kill Digital Ad Targeting
Re:I was entirely sympathetic to Snowden  *Sunday June 23, 2013 @08:59AM  2
   attached to US Hacked Chinese University Network
Re:Misses the point  *Saturday June 22, 2013 @08:11AM  2
Re:Misses the point  *Saturday June 22, 2013 @08:10AM  2
Re:Misses the point  *Saturday June 22, 2013 @03:22AM  2
Re:Misses the point  *Saturday June 22, 2013 @03:19AM 1 0
Re:Misses the point  *Saturday June 22, 2013 @03:11AM 2 0, Troll
   attached to Android Fragmentation Isn't Hurting Its Adoption
Re:Let's hope no one needs...  *Sunday June 16, 2013 @06:43PM 1 2
   attached to Archaeologists Discover Lost City In Cambodian Jungle
Re:it's going to fail  *Thursday June 06, 2013 @11:16AM  2
   attached to Chinese Firm Approved To Raise World's Tallest Building In 90 Days
Re:More ridiculous sensationalism  *Thursday May 30, 2013 @01:34PM  2
Re:More ridiculous sensationalism  *Monday May 27, 2013 @07:01AM 2 2
Re:Just stop, please  *Monday May 27, 2013 @06:46AM  1
Re:Just stop, please  *Monday May 27, 2013 @06:39AM  2
   attached to Tests Show That Deadly New Flu Could Spread Among People
Re:Can't offer much  *Saturday May 11, 2013 @07:13PM  4, Informative
   attached to Ask Slashdot: How Do You Deal With Programmers Who Have Not Stayed Current?
Re:So...  *Friday April 26, 2013 @11:35AM  3
Re:Proven 100% wrong here.  *Friday April 26, 2013 @11:32AM  3
Re:Hypocritical  *Friday April 26, 2013 @11:23AM  2
   attached to Chinese Court Fines Apple For Copyright Violations
Re:Reason number one.  *Saturday April 13, 2013 @03:26PM 1 2
Re:Win 8 a contributing factor, not the main culpr  *Saturday April 13, 2013 @03:25PM  2
Re:Win 8 a contributing factor, not the main culpr  *Friday April 12, 2013 @11:10PM  2
Re:Reason number one.  *Friday April 12, 2013 @10:55PM 1 3
   attached to Why PC Sales Are Declining

"The Mets were great in 'sixty eight, The Cards were fine in 'sixty nine, But the Cubs will be heavenly in nineteen and seventy." -- Ernie Banks
