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Comment Re:they can't afford wha tI would charge to view a (Score 1) 159

Check out webpass.io. It's designed to work alongside your adblocker, as a way to financially support websites via a subscription. Those sites that receive money from the subscription have to voluntarily remove their ads, and your adblocker will continue to block ads on all other sites.

Comment Re:Acceptable ads? (Score 1) 263

Source code for plugins is hard to hide, so you should be able to take a look yourself and see what it does. But the information we send is outlined in the privacy policy as well. You are right that mobile is a very important platform, but it is also more challenging (particularly on iOS). An Android Firefox plugin is in the works, and we'll keep an eye on ways to make it available for other platforms and browsers.

Comment Re:Acceptable ads? (Score 3, Interesting) 263

As you say, 'damn few' do, but some do. Some offer the option to subscribe, or pay a once off fee to remove those ads. My concerns in those cases are that it means remembering a separate account for each such website, signing into those websites each time my session expires in order to remove the ads, and paying a significant sum of money if I do it on too many sites.

That's why I've started webpass.io, a service that offers websites an easy way to offer the option to pay for content, but that avoids these extra kinds of concerns.

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