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Comment Re:Measurement from the NVIDIA site? (Score 1) 317

I got mine from Debian's repository until they stopped updating them... I don't know if they plan on supporting future NVidia releases, but it's been a month since I upgraded from version 173 (Debian) to 185 (NVidia), and the new drivers, which have been out for quite a while now, make a huge difference. I'm disappointed Debian hasn't been quicker about updating them. Their reluctance to update also meant I couldn't upgrade from Linux 2.6.26 to 2.6.30, which also meant I couldn't use ext4. Now, on a point somewhat orthogonal to the original topic, I'm using ext4 and GRUB 2, and I absolutely love it.


First "Real" Benchmark for PostgreSQL 275

anticlimate writes "A new benchmark published on SPEC shows PostgreSQL's performance approaching that of Oracle's and surpassing or on par with MySQL (however the test-hardwares of the other DB systems are somewhat different). The test was put together by PostgreSQL's core developers working at Sun. They certainly are not unbiased, but this is the first 'real' benchmark with PostgreSQL — according to Josh Berkus's blog. The main difference compared to earlier benchmarks (and anecdotes) seems to be the tuning of PostgreSQL."
The Internet

Submission + - Neutral Net needs twice the bandwidth of Tiered (

berberine writes: "Recent research suggests the obvious: that building an undifferentiated network requires far more capacity than one in which traffic is prioritized, throttled, and controlled. But when AT&T researchers are involved in writing the paper in question [pdf], the results seem a bit more sinister. Is the research just another attempt by a major backbone Internet operator to justify a non-neutral Internet?"

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