Comment Re:Chatting can indeed be dangerous!!! (Score 2, Interesting) 107
The fact that all of you are confusing AIM and ICQ is exactly where your paranoid trouble lies - those are different netwroks (still, how stupid) and as long as they are, they cater different people - the close minded, the I-need-my-fix-of-the-6-oclock-news, the Id-rather-live-in-fear-than-talk-to-someone-outsid e-of-north-america crowd of AIM, and those who actually still want to think of the world as a big place full of surprises, a world wide web indeed of ICQ users. And yes, the big bad world has porn (which can be easily blocked), and not so nice people (which can be ignored), and yeah, if you're stupid enough to talk about your boss on your work computer (or porn or anything else workplaces dont appreciate) then you have it coming.
and u know what? Not chatting can be dangerous too.
try the universe, you may just like it