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Comment Re:I think that's a different job (Score 1) 311

I definitely agree. I did tech support for a while for an institution of over 50,000 and I was reminded of the Dilbert comic where he's describing the org chart.

"See that coffee stain on the carpet?"
"That's you?"
"No, that's my manager. I would be under the carpet."
"Is there any possibility of me talking with somebody who can make a decision?"
"Let me check... Wally, what's a 'decision?'"
"I don't know... sounds like something our competitors do."

Long story short, even when the higher ups would ask us for advice (e.g. communications, asking us to review a notice they were sending out) we would still be ignored. At best, we were treated like resources instead of as actual people or employees.

Lashing out at tech support definitely doesn't help. If they're good, they're probably more aggravated since they have to deal with being forcibly ineffectual all day.

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