Comment Re: You know what made my Wi-Fi more reliable? (Score 1) 57
they have a mesh model that does wireless backhaul IIRC "U6 Mesh"
they have a mesh model that does wireless backhaul IIRC "U6 Mesh"
Tracking pixels are far more than just a literal pixel at this point, basically JS that can send back whatever it wants including form data. How they are used in this case I don't know.
Dumb opener+tailwind for automation!
The equitable thing is just them trying to put some spin on WE WANT THE MONEYs which is all PGE ever gives a shit about. It isn't Safety, it isn't providing value to customers, etc.
Quantum Blockchain$
Back when the country seemed solidly in the "We're done with the pandemic, lets party" mode. Can you imagine the outrage if the government had spent a trillion plus dollars buying tests no-one wanted at that point?
That would be so great
we are all arguing over peanuts the top 1% have as much wealth as the middle 60%
> A time tax disporportionately affects the rich as they get paid more for their time so spending public funds to reduce it disproportionately helps the rich.
> Also online systems will generate thousands of jobs for computer programmers also the upper middle class.
So because a few thousand UMC may be effected we better not help hundreds of millions save time?
The poor benefit the most in your argument the time translates directly to money. They need money the most so by having more time they can earn more money that has a large benefit for them. The rich in your world also use their time to make way more money per hour but it has essentially zero effect on their lives. (And lets face it, the really rich people don't work for their money, other people do that so them personally having more time doesn't matter)
What is the good replacement?
1) Not the case for everyone.
2) Maybe, if so then the dongle is likely yet bigger and more annoying in pocket. Perhaps apple will make it all perfectly and it won't be any bigger than a 3.5mm jack in some clever packaging but I kind of doubt it.
30 bucks an adaptor and how do you charge while listening to music? Maybe they do wireless charging but thus that has been a pretty crap experience.
Probably repelled by focused ultrasound, 'cause it would turn them into a-cellular slurry.
Might not be real safe to have it being emitted from a tv though, haha.
even at consumer sat phone internet data rates it wouldn't be that expensive vs the cost of the flight. You can get hours worth of gps coordinates (16 bytes + much larger overhead for connecting) every 30 seconds crammed into a megabyte.
If we are playing this game, then why not have all that data being sent through a sat phone link real time?
"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen