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Comment Re:Not ready as a gaming platform (Score 1) 520

Where is this "Linux users don't pay for software" idea coming from? I buy software all the time, and I would love it if I could buy products like photo shop and games from steam on Linux. It would essentially keep me from ever having to buy another windows copy again. It's not that I don't like paying for software, I don't like paying for an operating system, nor do I enjoy using windows.

Comment Re:Cheaper young 'uns will work longer hours? (Score 1) 599

Younger developers may seem cheap because of the price tag, but this does nothing to address:
  • the cost of maintaining a system built by a bright young person who lacks experience and knowledge
  • the cost of maintaining a system built by someone who doesn't know when to clear their mind and think a little more about a problem
  • the cost of maintaining a system built by someone who doesn't know when to incorporate already implemented software packages/api's/tools

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